Gaming Ballistic
11 months ago

Project Update: Locking Addresses

Milestone: Addresses Locking Sunday

This morning I pushed the button to Lock Addresses with 48-hour notice. So on Sunday morning, the system will lock and that will be it for adjusting shipping address.

Errata and Updates

I've sent the cards to the printer, and am about to make the last few corrections to a few stat sheets in the adventure. Gentry and the Tenokian Templars both have a little tweaking due to GCS not assigning some levels to things, and me not catching it. Misery has the same problem as the Tenokian Templars in some of the GCS sheets at 140-some-odd points and higher in the GCS files I sent out: The Master at Arms combat talent isn't being applied appropriately to skills. Gentry has an issue with a level of Increased Move not adding to Move.

But once I make these changes, I'm sending the books to print. They are almost always ready in 2 weeks.

Please Complete Lagging Surveys

There are still 27 folks with "incomplete surveys." I use quotation marks because a non-trivial number of folks are "pre-orders, survey stores, late pledges" and that seems to not really get a "survey" as such, but even so, here's an important note:

1) If you ordered physical stuff that includes any product from SJGames - the box set or DFRPG Companions - I MUST have your shipping address and fees taken care of in order to place the order for these books. If I don't by the end of the weekend, I'll have to revert your pledge to the digital versions of items ordered, and refund 80% of the difference. 

2) If you ordered physical stuff from not-the-USA (or not-Canada), you fall into the same category as #1. I need to have shipping addresses confirmed and payment taken care of ASAP, as I will be placing an order from Mixam-UK for the Saethor's Bane books. There are enough that it makes sense to do it that way, so I need to have addresses confirmed. 

3) If you ordered physical stuff to be delivered to the US or Canada but will NOT be ordering anything originating from SJGames, you have more time. I'll let things go until primary fulfillment is complete, then revert to digital and refund 80% of the delta. That's probably end-of-May timeframe.

4) Same timing on digital-only rewards. Most of these are $0 balance so can be "push button-push-button-charge" and done. I'd prefer it if you as a backer did it yourself, but in the end, I can handle these. If there's a balance and no money has been collected (either a late pledge with no card info, or a campaign pledge that errored out and was never revisited), I'll just cancel the pledge.

Note that every effort will (has!) been made to try and bring these to backers' attention. At some point, though, it's time to finish this.

I think that's it! 






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