Gaming Ballistic
10 months ago

Project Update: Foundry VTT Module: In testing

So, the one piece of digital content that has not been available is the Foundry VTT module. Nick, of the Foundry GGA, has been putting this together in his free time, which recently got a lot less free, ironically due to his kicking butt at his "real" job.

In any case, during some preliminary testing, it came out that it wouldn't be that much of an ask to add the maps to the module in the form of "scenes." So Nick did that. His most recent bug-stomping report was:

YAV (Yet Another Version):
  • fixed the problem with PDF links;
  • added the map images (look in your Data/modules/saethors-bane-dfrpg/assets/map_images)
  • added a "Scenes" compendium pack (each map image with the appropriate hex overlay)
  • Converted all images to .webp format; this trimmed the size down from 29 MB to 6 MB. I love webp.

We can only upload a module during business hours, and that conversation results in me being given a block of code keys that get distributed. In fact, one of the reasons I stick with Backerkit for file distribution is their ability to draw off a code bank.

In any case, I'm hopeful we can get the module staged in the coming week, at which point I'll mark the all-digital pledges "fulfilled."

Tomorrow morning I'll drop off all the packages I boxed up at USPS first thing after the second kid heads off to school. Then there's a bit of admin work setting up the DHL shipment and asset receipt at GamesQuest. That shouldn't take too long, but it's tedious and the GQ user interface kinda sucks.

I would ask that as your books start to arrive, if you can say nice things about the material in other forums, it would be helpful. What did you like, what might you do differently [1]?

[1] I do note I intend to convert another solo, David's Till Death Do Us Part, to GURPS as well. This one will be for middle-grade characters somewhere between 125 and 250 points - maybe the 187 Master level from Delvers to Grow. And the characters will stay much closer to their original point total, unlike the deliberately accelerated Saethor's Bane.

I don't know when I'll do that, though. I've got a lot ahead of me as-is:
  • Sea Hag's Wrath, a GM'd situational adventure set on Elazar (TFT)
  • Warlock Knight, a solo adventure set in the Warlock Kingdoms of Sedra (TFT)
  • Mission X, a Powered by GURPS full RPG that does hopefully for modern action what DFRPG did for fantasy
  • A few other things, maybe systemless

So a bunch going on, and even more besides that as life is always in motion.
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