I have received today a notification that the Saethor's Bane softcovers have been completed and a shipping label printed.
Today I received on my porch 100 copies of the Delvers to Grow Omnibus softcover books.
I am told that in 2-3 days the new copies of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Companion books ordered will also arrive direct from Amazon; SJGames has already shipped 48 copies of the DFRPG Boxed Set to my home, which are currently blocking entry into my dining room, much to my wife's dismay. My cats like them though. Nice high perch.
I have boxes and envelopes. I am ready for physical fulfillment. I shut down pre-orders/late pledges a few days ago (I thought I'd shut them down earlier, but apparently the program requires you to, you know, click save or something. Who knew?)
I have already received the boxes of Quick Reference cards from my card vendor, Artiforge. Picked those up in my Subaru a while ago.
The last digital item pending is the Foundry VTT pack. Nick sent me a WIP of the current layout for the character actors, which is not in final graphic perfection form, but looks very good.
Some of this will need to change to match the notes in the book; this looks to have included some of the GCS "helper" bits like "Increased Dexterity 1" which is good for the character generator but not important when it comes to presenting the actor: the fact that Angel is DX 11 in this guise is enough.
In any case, I expect to start physical fulfillment before the end of next week. If things go very well, I will receive all the cool stuff on Monday or Tuesday and immediately start pick-and-pack. I do expect this to take a few days.
I'll also gear up to collect and start shipping the UK-Hub materials to GamesQuest.
What this means, though, is that if you've ordered physical materials and have not completed your survey, providing your shipping address and covering shipping costs and taxes, your order will be reverted to digital form, with 80% of the difference between physical and digital cost refunded. If you placed a late pledge and have not paid, your order will be cancelled (and as no money has changed hands in these cases, there's nothing to refund).
I've been sending reminders daily along with a few direct-to-backer emails. Fair warning has been given and more so.
So that's where we stand. If things go swimmingly, folks might even have some Saethor's Bane in hand the second week in May. UK-hub, Canadian, and the AUS-NZ crowd will take longer (they always do), but I'll reach out to those backers directly rather than by update.