Critter Valley
4 months ago

Project Update: Thank You! + New Prototype WIP Photos

Hi there!

This is my first check-in since the campaign ended! I took the weekend to celebrate and am back now with a good update!

First, I just want to thank you all so much for the support you showed during the campaign. Critterfolk received way more love than I ever imagined, and I’m so grateful for every bit of it. Since you’ve shared so much with me, I want to return the gesture and share a little about myself and this project with you.

If mental health topics are sensitive for you, please feel free to skip ahead to the mushroom emoji 🍄 below!

My name’s Marlow, the creator behind Critterfolk. Long before Critterfolk , I was a full-time commission artist known as Critter Valley. I spent my days drawing other people’s characters and making works of art for them! It was honestly a dream job, and I absolutely loved doing it for many years, but eventually things started to shift.

Somewhere along the way, drawing got harder to enjoy, to feel inspired, to feel purposeful. I’ve always loved creating, but over time I’d gone from creating for myself to creating solely for others. I pushed myself hard to grow and I did what I’d learned to do to survive. I hosted raffles to boost engagement, tried to say the “right” things in posts, created ads, followed trends, and worked long hours. If something didn’t perform well, I took it really personally. I was extremely self-critical and self-depreciative. Repeatedly, I ended up burned out and battling recurring depressive episodes. Being so involved with how my art was perceived online took everything out of me.

After months of contemplation, I decided I had to step away. And while I’d been through plenty of woes, this really was one of the darkest points in my life. I hit the bottom and let me tell you, that well went so deep. My art and career had become so tied to my identity that, without it, I felt completely lost. I realized I didn’t have other hobbies or interests, barely any friends, and no idea what to do next. I felt heartbroken and truly grieved for myself. Leaving was soul-crushing, but I wanted better for myself. And in truth, I got worse before I got better. I spent over six months in a deep depression.  I was jobless, lacking any motivation, and full of self-loathing during that time. Looking back, I needed time to be sad, hurt, and broken.

I did my best to focus on rebuilding my sense of self. Slowly, I learned how to not push through everything so hard and learned to slow down. Eventually I started a new job, one where I learned so much. I started at a small (but big!) online shop as a fulfillment and shipping assistant. I learned how to pick and pack orders, process preorders (over 10,000 orders and 2,500 preorders!), and later moved into a purchasing role. It was scary at first, but it taught me confidence, and I stopped being so afraid. I stopped being afraid of failing, of losing, and so many things other things that held me back.  Would you believe me if I told you I was too afraid to make simple, animal inspired products because I thought "that's been done too many times already"?
Little by little, I started creating again, and somewhere along the way, the Critterfolk were created. At first, I kept them close, sharing them only with my inner circle. I didn’t want anyone’s feedback or expectations to shape them for me. Once I finally felt grounded in their concept, I shared Critterfolk with you all for the first time this summer — and here we are, at the end of this wildly successful campaign! 🎉 

I’m sharing this story because I know some of you might be in a place like I was.
It’s amazing to look back now and see how that hard decision led to the extreme happiness, gratitude, and sense of fulfillment that I feel today. Had I not stopped, I would have never gotten here. Letting go let me show up for myself, tackle big fears that one froze me, and find myself again.

If there’s one thing I hope you take from this, it’s this: healing takes time. It might get harder before it gets easier. It can feel like setting a broken bone — painful at first, but necessary to heal. 
Also, you may never feel “ready,” but you’ll know when it’s time.

🍄 Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been there for me. Thank you to my partner Arin for supporting me these last two years. By handling finances when I was down, to always trying to encourage me and lift me up, you have been just as much a part of my growth as I. Thank you to my friends, who’ve shown me unconditional love and given me the best support, feedback, and advice. Thank you to my online community, who saw Critterfolk’s potential even before I did and pushed me to launch this plush line. And of course, thank you to every one of you here now. You’ve been an huge integral part of this journey, and I’m so grateful for each of you. Thank you. ❤️


🌱 Now onto some Prototype WIPs!

First, here's a peek at Rowan and Honey's prototypes!

As a reminder, the first samples are rarely perfect, so they might look a little silly right now. No worries, though! We’ll make improvements and get them looking just right before they’re finalized! I have not edited these images yet.

Rowan is looking so cute already!
His cheeks and tail look so perfectly fluffy and squishable. We still need to tweak his colors and face, but overall he is looking really great!

Honey is almost perfect! While the pink fur makes her look like a cute cotton candy bunny, it just doesn’t quite fit the natural aesthetic. (Sorry to everyone rooting for her to stay pink! 💔) She’ll be a soft cream color instead.

But honestly, I’m so happy with her shape and pattern — it’s looking great! My manufacturer is really getting the feel for Critterfolk’s style, so I’m hopeful we’ll see even faster progress on samples from here!

My last show and tell is a sample of Frasier's Signature Outfit!

Frasier's Outfit contains the Autumn Striped Sweater and Hickory Pants

The lighting in these photos isn’t the best, but I couldn’t wait to share!
Despite that, the colors are looking amazing, and the fit seems pretty good too. I might ask to try out a different fabric but overall I’m really happy with this first look at the clothes!

That's all the prototype updates I have for now! Which clothes or plushie are you most excited to see next?


 🌱 Surveys are scheduled to go out by November 15th

I have almost completed setting up the survey! I only have a few steps left, so keep a look out for updates regarding it's launch.

 🌱 The Backerkit preorder store will open after the survey launches

I know many creators typically open their preorder before the survey goes out, but I will be waiting until after. This is to avoid any unnecessary complications between backers and preorder store customers!

 🌱  Weekly Update Schedule : Check in's every Wednesday

Just to keep everyone in the loop, I’ve decided to check in every Wednesday until all rewards are fulfilled! Even if there’s nothing big to report, I think it’s important to keep communication open and updates flowing. I'd much rather send too many emails than not enough!


Please let me know if you have any more questions!
As always, you can reply to this update or email me at [email protected] for private inquiries! 
user avatar image for Critter Valley





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