Asmo Grimae
7 months ago

Project Update: Printing day!


Today was eventful, and pretty exhausting on a very hot summer day in Germany.
I drove to my printers place today to watch my book getting printed. It was an incredible experience to see this happen in real time as I got a lot of explanations on what was currently happening by the workers there. 
Many years ago I had an internship at a printing company for half a year and getting blasted by the smell of those machines again was weirdly nostalgic.

In two weeks I will call the company again and check in on the state of the book. When it's finished, they will ship it to me. I'll then charge cards and lock orders, so I can start shipping orders to everyone who pledged. 

As for the surveys:
Currently 92% of backers filled out their survey! Thank you so much. I will start sending out reminder emails to those who haven't soon. This is a reminder that I cannot ship your order if the survey isn't filled out, as I can't charge shipping then.
Originally I wanted to order stickers and prints once I got to 95% but I think I'll start doing that over the weekend now. I'll order more than the quantities needed for the campaign anyway, to check on quality and have some prints and stickers in backhand. 

And about the pdf: 
I had to give it a small edit in the last weeks but that got me the idea that I should add a scan or photo of the cover and backcover as well, to make it more complete and not simply just the pages. That means I will have to wait until I get the books to finish it properly.
The pdf will be sent out once orders are being shipped then. I already asked Backerkit if I can upload it despite being oversized and I was approved for that.

Thank you so much for sticking around!
As always, feel free to write me via email ([email protected]), Backersupport or simply write in the comments if you have a question. 

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