Asmo Grimae
5 months ago

Project Update: Tentative arrival date, PDFs


Little update because I know the next one will take a while again:
I just received word that the next load of books will leave the book binder to be shipped to me on the 8th November, so in roughly two weeks. Shipping from them to me takes a few days and as the 11th November is a holiday, and German post offices don't work on Sundays, I'm expecting the books to come the week following to that.

Now, in my last update I mentioned I will charge shipping soon. I've done that by now, and following that, the PDFs should have been sent out to every backer (unless your card has been denied or you have not filled out the survey yet).
If you have not received the PDF yet but you have been charged shipping, please let me know. 

Big thanks to all the mails and comments I got on the PDF btw. It genuinely warmed my heart when I got people writing me how much they like the art, the writing, and the general atmosphere and feel of my book. 
I can't properly put into words just how much heart's blood is in this work and seeing people enjoy it is a special kind of honor.

As a last little organizational thing - originally I had planned this project with its schedule to be finished before university starts again for me, with a nice buffer just in case. 
My semester is now full in the going and I'm juggling this project (alongside all of these many many phone calls), uni classes, my (actual) full time work, and homework. 
I just wanna say, thank you for your understanding in case my response might be a bit slower than usual. 
I try to respond on the same day, even hour if I'm wake, I get mails and inquiries, but currently my plate is a bit fuller. 

As always, if you have questions, let me know either in the comments or via Backersupport. Thank you very much.
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