Asmo Grimae
4 months ago

Project Update: Tracking Mails


Tracking mails should have gone out over the weekend. If you still haven't received yours, please let me know and I'll check again.
The last batch of orders hit the post office on Wednesday. Since then, everything should be on its way.

3 people have not filled out their surveys yet btw. I can't send orders or charge shipping without those being filled out. I'll wait and continue to send reminder emails.
Edit, a few hours later: After a talk with the Backerkit staff I have decided to refund and cancel these pledges, also as it started making me feel uncomfortable to sit on money of people I cannot send their bought goods to, and that I've been waiting for since July. Thank you for understanding.

It still has no properly set in yet that this whole thing is - essentially - over for me. Five years of work, of which the last one was extremely pushing, being over like that feels surreal to me, but also like a stone that dropped off my heart.
A big thanks to everyone who has shown me pictures of their received books or told me about them arriving, it's a buckwild feeling that genuinely just fills me with joy. 
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