Asmo Grimae
5 months ago

Project Update: Shipping materials, schedule stuff


First of all, due to the unforeseen fact that we have to reprint the entire order of books, there's a few scheduling issues with my printer and it takes longer than we thought. We basically have to squish the book into a free slot and that one should be coming up soon.
It also took a while as the books had to be taken back to the book binder, inspected on damage and all these days of shipping add up, even if all the traveling is contained within the south of Germany.

I now have all shipping materials needed. All prints are signed, and absolutely everything I need to fulfill orders (boxes, wrapping paper, stickers for the adresses) is here, but not the books. Once they come in again I can immediately start shipping.

The PDF is completely done, and I'm thinking about sending it out before shipping already. Originally I wanted to send them on the day shipping starts but due to the big delay I'm wondering if it might be nice to send them out earlier to bridge the time. I just feel a bit bad for letting people wait so much.

As always, if there are questions feel free to leave a comment or write me via Backersupport. 
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