Asmo Grimae
5 months ago

Project Update: Final notice for locking orders


Another update already so soon:
I sent out the final notices for locked orders. In 48 hours they should be locked, and I will charge cards for shipping costs then. 
After that I'm able to distribute the PDF, so expect it coming into your inboxes in the next days!

As for the books, on Friday I confirmed with my printer that the books are getting reprinted after they had to get inspected by both him and the book binder again. I was told they should be done in roughly two weeks. 
Will keep you all update on that one, I really cannot wait to have them in my hands again. 
On the day the pallet of boxes was picked up again I actually felt kind of heart broken. I put so much energy, dedication and love in this book over the last years, the fact that I'm feeling so strong about it genuinely warms my heart now in hindsight. It just matters a lot to me.

Once again, feel free to write a comment or contact me via Backersupport if you have questions. Thank you for supporting me.





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