Just a quick update to let y'all know what all pins have been approved and paid for. Our manu will be providing production photos as soon as they're available, and I'll be sharing those as soon as I have them.
It typically takes 4 - 5 weeks from payment to pins in-hand, so you should expect your next project update early May. Fulfillment will be taking place May/June. I'm scheduled for surgery next week, so I appreciate your patience with any radio silence until then!
In the meantime, I have a new project launching this week! I'm collaborating with two other creators to offer some free pins, so you should totally check them out. This new project will only be live for two weeks! We want to fulfill these Pride pins in time to have them for Pride events, so they'll be shipped out at the same time Spirits pins will ship! If you back Brick by Brick, we'll bundle them with your Spirits pins to save you some shipping. Even if you don't plan on backing, please still click that link. I'm really excited about this 3D brick wall pin, and there's an excellent 3D rendering on the preview page. :D