Arledge Comics
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Quick Update + Design Reveal!

Hey backers!

Just wanted to provide a quick progress report.

A number of you have updated your payment information. Thank you so much for doing so! We're under 1k failed pledges, which is definitely a move in the right direction.

This still puts us under the goal for unlocking the bobcat, though. February 27th is the last day to update your payment information before your pledge shows up at $0 in the pledge manager. So this time next week, I'll provide another update. If the number of failed pledges is under $400, then I'm going to split the difference of the stretch goal and make the bobcat available as a design choice with the others. If it stays above $500, then I'll add that pin to the preorder store to unlock like we did for the sun & moon pins.

I'm so excited to see these pins unlocked!! <3

Remember that I will post an update before I lock your orders in the pledge manager, so you'll have a warning period where you're able to change your order to include the bobcat pin - however that unlock looks.

Oh yeah.

The bobcat pin!

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