Arledge Comics
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Funding Update - 72 hours


We're still sitting at over $700 in failed payments. Reminder - our goal is to see $400 or less.

If you're one of these 18 people, I do hope you're not seeing this as any form of harassment. It's just - unfortunately - fact that we cannot fund the last pin design without recouping those pledged funds. If you're able, please do update your payment information so we can unlock the last design. The deadline for this is February 27th.

For everyone following these updates -

As someone pointed out, regionalism is something that still absolutely exists. Where I grew up, all large, woodland cats are called bobcats. Bobcat, cougar, and wildcat are used interchangeably. Lynx isn't in the local lexicon outside of textbooks or scientific literature. 

However it's released, the final pin design will be listed as "Bobcat."

This is a deeply personal art series that draws from my experiences growing up in different locales and from my efforts to learn about and honor my Indigenous roots. I've had sketches of all these pins for years, but never developed them due to insecurities and lack of belief in my own art style. I only started putting true effort in development after the loss of a very dear friend; I felt I needed to finally finish my art because he can't make art anymore. The designs you see are as they were intended. They're released exactly how I meant them to be. 

If you no longer want the bobcat pin because it doesn't match your lived experience, that's fine! Really! But I will not be making edits, nor will I be entertaining feedback on that point. 

Thank you for your understanding.

I'll be back with another update later this week.
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