We've a lot to cover in today's update. So make sure you grab your reading glasses!
Poll Results 🎊
The results are in! I'll be asking our manu to apply a pearlescent swirl effect to the mountains in the bobcat pin.
Pearl Swirl wins!
Orders Locked! 🔒
All surveys are now locked! This means you can no longer make changes to your reward survey. You can, however, update your address. Addresses will not be locked until we're ready to start shipping. So please feel free to update as needed.
Prior to locking orders and charging cards, we went through all our cross-collab backers and applied shipping credits. I was surprised to see the number! (Below.) It costs us nothing to combine orders, saves our shipping material, and we saved backers over $400 in shipping fees. I know paying for shipping sucks, and I'm just really happy to see this plan worked out and we were able to do that for everyone.
This is a small screen cap from the pledge manager dashboard showing a decrease in raised funds totaling $483.52 representing the promised free shipping on cross collab orders. Wow!
Production Begins + Timeline 🕰️
As soon as I send this update, I'll be sending order forms to our manu to put pins into production. I anticipate having invoices paid within the next 48 hours. Then it's typically 4-5 weeks until pins are in hand. We're aiming for fulfillment being late April/early May.
Quick note: I'll be having surgery at the end of March. So please excuse any delay in communication.
Some FAQ ❓
Can I edit my pledge? No, the time for editing your pledge has passed. Locking orders allows me to get accurate counts of each pin to send to my manu.
Can I still fill out my pledge manager if I haven't already? Yes! Please! I'm ordering extra of each design so I have some on hand for events, so I should be able to fulfill the few orders that haven't come in yet. If you're going to do something crazy like order 100 of a single pin. Like. Contact me first, okay? lol
What if I want to add more pins to my order? You can! Just place an additional order through the pre-order store. (Linked on the campaign page.) If you add additional items to your existing order before fulfillment begins (there will be an update), email [email protected] and we'll combine orders and remove shipping costs from the additional items.
I'm going to be at Emerald City Comic Con. If you're going to be around, stop by and say hi!