Project Update: Collab Rewards, Print Copies, And More!
- The cross-collab rewards for everyone who backed Treasure Vaults with Menagerie Press's Hyborian Adventures should have recieved their mission scenarios earlier today (February 11th).
- I got the first proof copy from Lulu. I've made the edits, updated the PDF on DriveThru to reflect them, and placed a second order for the revised proof copy. I do apologize that it's taking longer than expected to get these out to you all, but I want to make sure they're up to an acceptable standard. It's a lot harder to go back and revise a print copy someone's already recieved than it is a PDF.
- The good news is, it looks awesome! It feels very classically OD&D, which I'm really proud of.
- 74Games is being rebraned as "Karla Adder Press," and the name and logo have been updated here on Backerkit. Your physical copy of TVTD will also feature the new logo.
- I'm have other stuff in the works, so keep an eye out for future updates!