Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon

Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon

Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon is a game that fills two roles – it is a module for OD&D or other classic fantasy RPG systems, as well as being a wargame scenario designed for those rules.
$1,305 🎉
of $100
Project Ended
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Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon is a classic dungeon-crawling adventure for Original D&D, or retro clones such as Swords & Wizardry, Old School Essentials, or OSRIC. It is a fantastic medieval wargame campaign, pitting players against the armies of the vicious Twilight Dragon as they seek to free the north of his malign influence.

Images are a mockup; final product will differ.

When Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson released their original version of Dungeons & Dragons, they subtitled it "Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargames Campaigns." Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon is a return to this kind of Dungeons and Dragons - or, perhaps more accurately, a peek into what RPG modules could have been if they had clung more closely to their origins. It is unapologetically a hack-and-slash funhouse dungeon, meant to be played as a wargame-style campaign while still incorporating the unique features of a role-playing game. 
Treasure Vaults will be released as a PDF and an A5 saddle-stiched zine. The campaign consists of a roster of forces for the major armies, maps and room keys across 4 levels, advice for running a wargame-RPG, and scenario sheets giving new missions to keep players embarking into the dungeon to disrupt the operations of the Dragon and his minions.

Sample Pages:

Image represents text at draft stage

PDF fulfillment will be through DriveThruRPG. Backers receive a one-time code for their PDF copies.

Print copies will be printed by Lulu Press, then shipped from 74Games. Shipping will be collected post-campaign in the Pledge Manager.
Risks are minimal - the project is written and is in editing, and our collab partner Menagerie Press has fulfilled dozens of PDF and print products before, and will be assisting with this project. The current plan for fulfillment of hard copies is to have printing done through Lulu, a trusted resource in the indie RPG space. Once received by 74Games, print copies will then be shipped directly to you.

Interior Art, by Nagy Attila
Shipping fees will be charged separately, AFTER the campaign, in the pledge manager. Actual shipping prices will be determined after the print copies are finalized with Lulu. I will be using Lulu's crowdfunding fulfillment option, meaning your information will be sent to them and they will ship to you directly. 
I am collaborating with Menagerie Press, led by William Murakami-Brundage. Menagerie Press is creating Hyborian Adventures, a Shadowdark RPG adventure based on Robert E Howard's short stories, including Queen of the Black Coast, People of the Black Circle, Jewels of Gwahlur, Shadows in Zamboula, and a Witch Shall be Born! Heed the call!!.

Backing both our Hyborian Adventures and 74Games's Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon, you'll unlock bonus rewards:
  • From Menagerie Press, you'll get a full-color art piece depicting a true Conan-style adventure moment (but no spoilers!)
  • From 74Games, you'll receive 2 extra scenario sheets for campaigning in the Treasure Vaults!

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