It is with an enormous sense of relief that I announce the proof copies for Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon are finalized. Pictures are included below. It took a while...
Karla Adder
26 days ago
Collab Rewards, Print Copies, And More!
• The cross-collab rewards for everyone who backed Treasure Vaults with Menagerie Press's Hyborian Adventures should have recieved their mission scenarios earlier today (Febr...
Karla Adder
about 1 month ago
PDF Files Sent!
I'm thrilled - and more than a little relieved - to finally say that the PDF files for Treasure Vaults have been sent out. You should have recieved an email with a compliment...
Karla Adder
2 months ago
Update - Dec. 24
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!
In my last update I said I was hopeful for a pre-Christmas release for the PDFs. However, editing and finaliz...
Karla Adder
3 months ago
A Huge Thank You
From the bottom of my heart. To see such astonishing success for my first full indie project is something I wouldn't have dreamed of when I started, and I know it wouldn't be...
Karla Adder
3 months ago
New Art Posted, and TVTD at PDX OSR CON 0
As promised, the new interior art that's been commissioned has arrived and been posted in the story section of the campaign.
Also, TVTD got 2 sessions of play testing at...
It is with an enormous sense of relief that I announce the proof copies for Treasure Vaults of the Twilight Dragon are finalized. Pictures are included below. It took a while longer than I would have liked but it is done, and BackerKit surveys will be coming out tonight or tomorrow for shipping information.
My next project launches March 13, so please expect an email with more details about that once I have finalized shipping information and payments for TVTD with Lulu.
It's been 3 rounds of painstaking revision with Lulu and not a little bit of sweat while I eye the launch date for the next project. Thanks again for your patience while I learn the ropes and iron out some of the wrinkles in this process. Your support means the world to me!
Why is the pledge manager asking me for a shipping address? I've backed for only a PDF and the system only accepts US addresses. Should I make up a fake address? It seems weird.
The cross-collab rewards for everyone who backed Treasure Vaults with Menagerie Press's Hyborian Adventures should have recieved their mission scenarios earlier today (February 11th).
I got the first proof copy from Lulu. I've made the edits, updated the PDF on DriveThru to reflect them, and placed a second order for the revised proof copy. I do apologize that it's taking longer than expected to get these out to you all, but I want to make sure they're up to an acceptable standard. It's a lot harder to go back and revise a print copy someone's already recieved than it is a PDF.
The good news is, it looks awesome! It feels very classically OD&D, which I'm really proud of.
74Games is being rebraned as "Karla Adder Press," and the name and logo have been updated here on Backerkit. Your physical copy of TVTD will also feature the new logo.
I'm have other stuff in the works, so keep an eye out for future updates!
I'm thrilled - and more than a little relieved - to finally say that the PDF files for Treasure Vaults have been sent out. You should have recieved an email with a complimentary copy code from DriveThruRPG. If you did not recieve this email, contact me at [email protected]. Those who purchased the Karla Adder Bundle should also be recieving an email from Menagerie Press with complimentary copies of my other works, soon.
The next step is physical fulfillment. I am in talks with Lulu about proof copies, and I am excited about this final step of the process being underway. Thanks for your patience and your spport!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!
In my last update I said I was hopeful for a pre-Christmas release for the PDFs. However, editing and finalizing the document with all the playtest notes I've accumulated has proven a more time-intensive and demanding task than I expected, so that isn't going to be possible without severely compromising the quality of the product. Additionally, I am getting less done on my Christmas vacation than I had hoped - family can be distracting, it turns out!
Rather than continue to provide hopeful dates, I'm going to focus updates on letting you know where the project is at. The percentages are approximate -
Writing: 80% done Left to do: The text is still being combed through for spelling, grammar, syntax, and other fiddly bits with the words. Additionally, the stat blocks are going through revision to ensure maximum compatibility with the 1974 rules, and the 2 scenarios for the cross-backers with Menagerie Press need to be written.
Maps: 66% done Left to do: The maps for levels 3 and 4 need a significant overhaul. Editing the text means going back and editing the maps, which then requires the entire workflow to be redone. I'm really hopeful about finding a more streamlined process for map creation with my next product.
Art: 95% done Left to do: The cover art and the commissioned interior art are done, and I'm hopeful about finding and making space for additional stock art. No further art needs to be created.
Playtesting: 100% done Left to do: None. The game has been playtested as much as I think it needs to be, and further rounds will only drag out the editing process.
Once all this is done and the PDF is finalized, I'll start working with Lulu on making the print copies. For now, to celebrate the holiday and thank you all for your patience, I'll share the module scenario that makes use of the Chainmail wargame ruleset: