9 months ago

Project Update: Two Weeks Left for Master Of Innuendo!

Hello Spicy Gamers!!

Our crowdfunding campaign on BackerKit has two weeks left! And we want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported MASTER OF INNUENDO so far. We've been busy behind the scenes continuing to playtest and learn. At one of our recent playtests, we got the best compliment about our last game:

One player said the gameplay feels like a next-level version of Cards Against Humanity. Wha?!!!

We love this for 2 reasons. 1) We LOVE Cards Against Humanity, and 2) this is exactly what we set out to do when we created the rules! While we do love playing fill-in-the-blank games like CAH, we know that YOU can be just as funny as the pre-written cards all on your lonesome. We felt that if we gave you the tools, you'd come up with more hilarious innuendo titles than we could. And the best part is, playtests have proved us right. We've laughed out loud at the naughty and oh so creative new movie titles of early players. We can't wait until the game is on shelves and everyone can discover this for yourselves. In the meantime, we hope you're finding out by playing our Print & Play Mini MOI with friends.

Want to try a hand? We've posted another fun poll on BackerKit where you can play a hand and this time we're encouraging everyone to post a hand of their own making in the comments too! Click here to play.

The other thing we've been doing is learning, and I'll be completely honest: As first-time game creators doing their first crowdfunding campaign, there has been a HUGE learning curve. We've been tweaking the campaign page, running Facebook ads, and researching all the ways we can get word out about this game. But we'd love to hear from YOU!

  • Have you played our Print and Play Mini MOI? What do you think?
  • What do you like best about our crowdfunding campaign?
  • What would you like to see added to our crowdfunding campaign page?
  • Is there a reviewer or site that you think would love our game? Which one(s)?

Email your thoughts to us at [email protected]. We're excited to hear how we can make this better!

Finally, a favor. Please share our campaign page with all your family and friends, on your social media, and anywhere you like to hang out. You've obviously got great taste in games because you're on our list. :) We know others will trust you, so THANK YOU in advance.


Play Naughty!




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