9 months ago

Project Update: Master Of Innuendo Is Evolving!

Happy New Year!

Over the holidays, we continued playtesting with our home made Master Of Innuendo prototype and got even more fantastic feedback! One player said the game is going to be "a hit!" Another said she "couldn't stop laughing." And others loved that they could use multiple Innuendo Cards and the Party Cards to fill in the movie title blanks so they could get really creative with their titles. We were impressed by their sauciness.

Even better, the playtesting led us to some fun tweaks: We've now renamed the Party Cards to be "Edit Cards", keeping more with the movie title theme. And with the Edit Cards, players can now add AND/OR delete certain words in the Title Cards so there are even more opportunities for players to get creative.

We've also named the point players win for having the best innuendo title the "Critic's Choice Point", and the bonus point for knowing the actual movie title is now called the "Encore Point"!

We're still playtesting and we'd LOVE to hear from you. Pop your email in the yellow box on our home page. And we'll send you the Mini MOI version of the game so you can play at home. The Mini MOI has all the titillating fun just with fewer cards, so you can easily print it at home without too much paper. (We might play naughty, but we're all about saving trees here.)
user avatar image for MOI




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