We're just a pinch away from unlocking the next amazing pin design! You've voted on the air dragon as being the next design to unlock. Woot!
Lufttyrann: Air Dragon
I promised you some news to kick off February, and I'm happy to showcase the manufacturer's new designs (mockups) for two new dragons. Introducing Shadow and Light!
Artist: Wilkolence
I love these and should we unlock these designs, they will make a great addition to your dragon collection. My Minecraft-loving kidlet loves Shadow! And I chose Light as I adore the lightning behind and how the gold just pops.
This means we'll also have all of these designs available for sticker add-ons (just added). The stickers will be around 3 inches in size, too!
Stickers anyone?
Want to show Wilkolence, the artist for the new dragon designs, some love? Please give him a follow on Instagram!
Let's keep the momentum going! Help us unlock the next design by sharing this update with your friends!
In our next update, we'll provide some more behind-the-scenes details on our next dragon.