We're winding down our first 48 hours and the early bird bonuses. Everyone who backed during this time will get the extra goodies, too. And if you backed both mine and Sarah's project, you'll also receive that extra pin!
I am so proud of you and thankful for your supporting this project.
Just a short update: we've unlocked three of the amazing pin designs so far! According to the current poll, the fiery dragon will be the third pin to be unlocked! What will be the fourth one?
Don't forget to vote in the poll, so we know which dragon design will be unlocked next!
Additionally, there are two new eBook bundle add-ons, the Dragon Prequel eBook series, as well as Loki's Favorites Bundle which includes The Hell Chronicles and bonus books. Check them out!
Sending love and light and dragon vibes, Tina Glasneck