Therena Carlin
1 day ago

Project Update: 🌟⛵When fair seas are hit by a hurricane - MAJOR update, delays, and changes⛵🌟Fulfilment starting April for some pledges

Greetings Star Seekers,

You know how sometimes characters set out on a sailing adventure, and all they see are fair winds and calm seas. But then as they are sailing happily, and far from any type of land or safety, a hurricane strikes and they have to do everything just to stay afloat? (This may actually happen in Star Found) 

Well, that is this project. Only unlike my book where I hold godlike powers as the author, I am powerless as I fight against the winds of life and political changes.
This will be a lengthy update because there is a lot to go over. 


  • All Star Awakened eBook/Deluxe Books delayed - no exact dates available at this time (Details & reasons below - most of it is out of my control)
  • Star Found & pin fulfillment starting in April / shipping charged in April
  • Pivoting to print-on-demand (reasons below) - signatures will now be a digital signature vs physical, with a backer exclusive acknowledgement page

Evie looking much calmer than me currently - Star Found end paper

Let's start with the hurricane

ROUGH SEAS: (Canadian CARM/imports - all book pledges affected) 

Unbeknownst to me, the Canadian government implemented a new imports requirement for small businesses at the end of last year after the campaign ended. (October) There was no email, no nothing. Just the sudden expectation that businesses needed to have a CARM number as well as a BN, in order to import goods. 

Luckily I discovered this in December (no sweat, right?) and fill in my application. (Without it I can't import the printed books to sign and send to you because it is a large shipment!) 

I have been fighting to get this number since December. The system broke during my application, and there is no way to move forward or go back. I have spend hours (Probably days by now if you total the time I spent on the phone) waiting on the phone for support. But it is a literal hellscape and there has been no progress on that front, even when I manage to get through to speak to a person. (They are so swamped with issues, the wait time has been 4-6 hours per call for me!)

Talk about a poorly implemented government program. Anyways, this is one of my current battles, and I have no idea how long this will take to fix. It could be months, since it has already taken months...

HIGH WINDS: (EU GPSR - EU backers affected)

Well, the storm just keeps getting better (insert sarcasm). Because another thing that got implemented after the campaign ended, was the EU's new GPSR program. It is yet another nightmare for small businesses like myself. This only affects EU backers, and while there are only a small number of you, I need to tell you about it.

As of Dec 15, 2024, I need to have an EU rep to ship to backers there. This would be fine and well, if it didn't cost $200-500 per product, per year, to be represented! (Not really practical when you make less than that per year in those countries...)

Now, there are work arounds to this one. There is a print-on-demand printer who offers an EU rep and does all the deluxe features I offered that also ships directly to customers. It costs me double to print, and it would mean direct shipping to backers, but at least I can get the books to you. I would have to do a signed book plate/digital signature instead of signing directly.

I would have to figure out how to ship any add-ons etc. individually, however. But...this will take time to organize and sort through.

THE EYE OF THE STORM - where do I sail to now?: Drop-ship or Off-set Printing

All these changes have led me to evaluate the feasibility of off-set printing (For which I already paid a sizable deposit, plus the cost of signed tip-ins which has already been received by them.)

If I wait for the paperwork, CARM, EU GSPR, and other shenanigans to happen, it might mean months, if not longer, before I can even import the books to myself to sign. Not to mention shipping delays caused by real life rough seas. (We could easily be looking at longer than 1-1.5 years after my original projected fulfillment.)

If I drop-ship, it will cost me more per book (for me, not you), and I would only be able to do digital signatures. (I can still add a personalized global message for backers that will be exclusive to your editions) But, it means that there won't be a delay due to CARM, and the EU GPSR will be dealt with. With US tariffs kicking in, it would hopefully also mean that the packages will remain under the $800 limit. And hopefully books can be sent before they remove the import minimus rule. (So no one will be affected - I am also looking at US printers and distribution with small print runs right now for this reason should those rules change.) 

Another thing with drop shipping, is add-ons, rewards, etc, will be shipped separately.  

  • What I am doing about this: I am speaking with my printer to see if I can get back my deposit, or at the very least decrease the quantity so I can do part drop-ship/ part off-set. I am also hard at work dealing with CARM, EU GPSR rule stuff, etc.

  • What I need from you: I need you to tell me if you would rather wait for the legaleze storm to pass, or if you want to have your books sooner. (They will be just as beautiful, you'll just get digital signatures and a separate package with other rewards) I will make a signed bookplate to ship with anyone receiving physical rewards other than the books. If we do drop shipping, the book boxes will be shipped separately without the books. But will be shipped sooner than with off-set. (To be clear, drop-shipping was always the default option in the campaign, I just funded high enough to have done a print run.)

LEAKY BOAT: personal factors affecting the campaign

In the past few months, life has thrown other challenges at me that I have had to navigate around. (Family death, son getting run over by a car...) Some of these caused delays, others just drained my creative and productive energy. I am plugging those holes as fast as I can, and while there are still some emotional leaks in my little sail boat, I have become quite adept at bilging. I have set aside April to prioritize everything to do with this campaign and these books. (I delayed my next Derpy campaign so I can focus on this one). That includes pin fulfillment, and Star Found fulfillment.

TORN SAILS: Editing delays...again

Aside from the storm outside our little sailboat (the project), I have experienced delay after delay with getting the manuscript edited (You can read more details in previous updates).

So, while the sails are flapping in the storm and we were moving slower than I hoped, at least we were still moving forward...or so I thought. I just received the first half back after the first round of proofreading, and then my editor let me know she is being hospitalized for a few days, and that she hasn't finished the second half of the book. Which means more delays on that front too.

(Someone throw me a lifeline? Or a sea druid who can control storms?😟Please?)

Anyways, as soon as I have the full manuscript, I will go through the proofreads, format the book, order a paperback for proofreading, and send it back for the final post-format proofreading before I print the deluxe editions.

INEXPERIENCED CAPTAIN: Learning and growing pains

Yea, this would be me. If there is anything I have learned from this campaign, it is to not only have books fully written, but pretty much ready to publish before launching. So going forward, I will only run campaigns with finished books (Except for extra art, which happen during a campaign and doesn't rely on outside sources. So I can promise what I know I can handle without having to rely on others.)

I truly feel like I have been navigating through a storm with this project. And each update I made that didn't go according to my well-intentioned plan was like a wave crashing over the ship deck, threatening to wash me over. (At least emotionally, since we are talking metaphors 😟)

At this point, I don't want to make any date promises, no matter how badly I want to say soon. I have learned there are a lot of external factors I can't control that I never faced before because I always had everything done.

I'm trying to give myself grace with the delays. Both due to external or internal factors. Making updates like this one is hard, because I have really high expectations of myself and my art. And I hate disappointing people (I feel like I am failing you all, and that is one of my worst fears because I value your support so much.)

I'm not launching any book projects until this one is in your hands. Though I still plan to run derpy pin campaigns, they are much less labour intensive and easier to do while I wait on external factors for this campaign, like editing.

My promise to you is to still make the most beautiful books I can. And while it is taking longer than expected, I will do everything in my power to make things right by you with that promise. In some cases, this might look different (like a POD book vs off-set). 

🌟A SILVER LINING? Fulfillment plan and pivoting...🌟

  • Since I'm no longer planning on doing the off-set print run, I can actually start fulfillment on pledges that have only the deluxe edition of Star Found and the pin/eBooks.  I will start this fulfillment in April, so, at least half of you should receive your pledges sometime in May/June. [APRIL]

  • Star Awakened eBooks will be delivered as soon as the second proofread has been made. And well, I have no date I can promise for anything related to Star Awakened other than that I promise to deliver it and make it the best book I can. [Who knows]

  • Stretch goals: In April, I will put together the digital flipbook eBook for SFW & NSFW art featured in both Star Found and Star Awakened. As well as the wall papers. [APRIL]

Since fulfillment for those pledges will start in April, I will be locking and charging those pledges in April as well for shipping.

Well, I suppose that just as characters need to shift and improvise when all hell breaks loose, so too must we. Like them, we can only make the best of what we are given.

Our little ship hasn't sunk yet, and while it may look like I am abandoning ship on the outside when I take on other projects or create other art, please know that I am fully invested in making this project as good as I promised. Perhaps with a few emotional scars to show for it, but in the end, they all tell a story of perseverance and survival.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. Without your support, my little ship would already be at the bottom of the ocean.

Yours in art,
I'm fine, everything is fine...really.
user avatar image for Therena Carlin





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