Therena Carlin
3 months ago

Project Update: New art & editing update. Warning: Story spoilers in art. TL:DR - things are coming along, and there's more art ^_^

Greetings Star Seekers,

In my last update I told you about the delay in editing due to my original editor being ill. I also implied that there may be new art in the novel due to the delay while I wait my new editor to work through the manuscript. And behold, my Muse delivered!

This illustration will be added to the deluxe edition of Star Awakened, as well as all backers will receive the high resolution digital .gif I created as a thank you for your patience while I get the book edited.

Editing update:

The editor should finish the line edits this week and I will start going through them as soon as I get my manuscript back. Once that is done we have 2 rounds of proofreading, between both my editor and another proofreader. While that goes on, I will order my author proof as well, so I can mark up anything I personally catch before I send the final files to the printer.

The end is in sight. But, part of me is grateful for the delay as it meant 3 brand new illustrations, which wouln't have been in it had I finished formatting when I planned. So there is a silver lining in the delay ^_^

We are up to 12 interior illustrations, and 2 different end paper illustrations. Which is almost twice as much as I though I would have ^_^

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Yours in art,

PS: while you wait, you can follow my next Bookish Derpy Dragon campaign!

It'll be full of derpy dragon delights! 






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