Therena Carlin
4 months ago

Project Update: 🌟⛵✨ Great news!✨⛵🌟

Greetings Star Seekers,

I just wanted to share some exciting news!
I just finished the developmental edit for Star Awakened and submitted the manuscript to my editor.
The book has grown from 86,000 words to 114,670!

That makes it officially bigger than Star Found!
And it'll be worth the wait for each of those words! 

Next I wait for my editor to do the line/copy edits which is basically spelling, grammar, etc. I don't have an exact date yet, but I am hopeful for the 1st week of Dec to get it back if not sooner. 

Once I get it back it's a matter of going through suggestions, accepting them and sending the manuscript to my proofreader. My editor will also do 2 proofreads. 

Unfortunately, this might mean that we are still destined to finish it late Dec/early January. But we are working hard to get it done sooner. 

On the plus side, the longer it takes, the more likely it is there might be more art while I wait for the editor and proofreader! 

And while I want this book in your hands as soon as possible, I won't settle for less than perfection, or as close to it as possible. 

While you wait:

In the meantime, if you like bookish things, I have two exciting campaigns for you!

The haunted dragons pre-order store just opened and we added 2 new pins which were just unlocked! Bringing the total to 15 pins!

Including "Spells" - the hexed bookish derpy and "Hektor" - a custom pin commission by a backer! And we are really close to unlocking the weirdling tribe collector pin!

Halloween and skulls not your thing, no problem!

The bookish derpy dragons campaign will be returning with Pintopia 2025 in January!

While there's naturally a chance for skulls, these bookish derpies are more curious about life as a reader. From "one more chapter" to "TBR piles". 

Until next time 

Hopefully my next update I'll have more information on the expected finish date. Until then, have a most wonderful week, and check out my other campaigns 🥰.

Yours in art,






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