N.A. Soleil
4 months ago

Project Update: Welp. Um. Yay books!

Hey everyone! Uh, hope everyone is hanging in there. We are ... doing our best.

Anyway, the books are here:

The bulk order is here, and they look amazing. I also have a little surprise freebie I whipped up over the last couple weeks: matte holo stickers of the cover symbols for Everdark and The Fractured Balance

Everyone with a physical order will get both stickers.

For those of you who have completed your survey, I will be locking orders on Friday, Nov 8th. So this is your last chance to change things through the system if you need to! (If something urgent comes up and you have to change your order after that, shoot me an email at [email protected] and we'll try to figure it out)

What happens when orders are locked? Your cards will be charged again for shipping + if you ordered anything extra from the pre-order store. I'll probably start shipping out next week, so keep your eyes peeled! If you ordered an ebook, you'll have access to it as soon as your order is locked.

There are a few of you who haven't completed your survey! Please do so as soon as you can, I can't give you your stuff until you do! Double check other emails, I've had a couple people who put in emails they don't check very often, so your surveys may be going somewhere unexpected. BK will keep reminding you via automated emails but I'll also reach out probably next week personally as well.

One final note: for those of you who ordered hardcovers, they'll be slightly more delayed. My printer is backed up due to the upcoming holiday season. At this point I'm expecting the hardcovers will be about two weeks behind the paperbacks. Thank you for your patience.




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