N.A. Soleil
6 months ago

Project Update: The first 24 hours recap!

Hello everyone!

Welp. It's been a wild 24 hours.

First I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for believing in Pheonix's story -- and a lot of you want to read Everdark, too, which is SO cool to see. We're disabled solo creators, so your support literally means the world to us.

Okay! Sappy stuff over! Update time!

I'm beyond blown away that we funded almost immediately (I was honestly not expecting that) and blew through our first two stretch goals. That means that the TFB hardcovers are now available for purchase as an addon! Remember that you can always edit your pledge if something we unlock piques your interest.

Secondly, I'll be putting a poll up here shortly so you all can help me decide on what design we want to use for the Pheonix bookmarks! The bookmark we offer with Everdark was meant to represent Redd's journey throughout that novel, so naturally this one will reflect Pheonix's journey in TFB. So of course, because Pheonix is such a complicated fellow, I have altogether too many ideas on what to do and could really use the assistance in whittling them down.

I didn't really think we'd get here so I don't really have any other stretch goals concretely planned, so if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see (fancier hardcovers, Everdark hardcovers, more swag like pins or prints), leave a comment!

The only solid stretch goal I would be absolutely stoked to hit would be at about $3k, because then we could hire a VA to do an audiobook. But for now I'll keep that close to my heart and if we happen to get closer to it, I'll do a more official update about what that would look like later.




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