All available Add-ons
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Silver Sticky Star
$10 purchasedTell us we did ... something! (All in good fun: any level of support is very appreciated!)Edit -
Everdark ebook
$1011 purchasedThe debut Metacosm Chronicle follows Redd, a psionic teenager, as she escapes from her abusive parents and to Haven, the last bastion of the angelic species. Struggling with both unknown powers and PTSD, Redd finds herself embroiled in an interspcecies war to protect the angels. A tale of mental illness, identity, finding agency after abuse, found family, and platonic love.Edit -
Everdark bookmark
$102 purchasedThin, flexible plastic decorated with N. Soleil's original art, in holographic material, depicting Redd's internal struggle from Everdark.Edit -
Everdark paperback + free bookmark
$203 purchasedThe debut Metacosm Chronicle follows Redd, a psionic teenager, as she escapes from her abusive parents and to Haven, the last bastion of the angelic species. Struggling with both unknown powers and PTSD, Redd finds herself embroiled in an interspcecies war to protect the angels. A tale of mental illness, identity, finding agency after abuse, found family, and platonic love. Free Everdark bookmark! Thin, flexible plastic decorated with N. Soleil's original art.Edit -
Book doodle
$300 purchasedAn inked doodle of a character of your choice on the front page of the book. Please read our FAQ before ordering this addon!Edit -
The Fractured Balance Hardcover!
$351 purchasedA 6"x9" printed-laminate hardcover (page count TBD, will likely be around 300) of The Fractured Balance.Edit -
The Fractured Balance paperback -- extra!
$201 purchasedAn extra TFB paperback to give to a friend! (Just the paperback, no ebook included)Edit -
The Fractured Balance ebook
$100 purchasedA 120k word ebook version of The Fractured Balance.Edit -
Metal Swords of Justice Bookmark!
$100 purchasedAn 8"x2" metal bookmark etched with the swords of Justice (Malol and Bedaestael) and a cutout clip to slide securely over your pages! When clipped on, the hilts of the swords will stick out of the top of the book!Edit