The Dragons Vault
about 1 month ago

Project Update: 7 Stretch Goals Vanquished!

Hail, valiant Wanderers!

I arrive from fields of battle to herald jubilant news, thanks to thy aid we hath slain 7 of our stretch goals! Our scouts hath conveyed unto me details about these 7 defeated behemoths, which I now relay unto you:

Beneath the Barrows 15K

A new heritage doth emerge from the realm beyond realms! The Cairndwin are a new playable lineage, deathly fey that dwell beneath the barrows amongst the honoured dead. Not truly of undeath, yet steeped in its magic, these are a peoples who know all too well what awaits those that shuffle beyond their mortal coil….

Armaments of Nobility 20K

The 4 Fey Houses hath arrived upon the field, each with a new bounty of magical items. Thou mayest now bear the seasonal arms of House Spring, House Summer, House Autumn and House winter. Each unique to its progenitor house and each more powerful than the last. Look for these weapons, within both the final tome and the illustrated item card set!

Borne of the Otherworld 25K

Mortals mayest lose themselves in the lands of Faerie, but sometimes the Fey lose themselves in the realms of men. The new Changeling background invokes the lore of old, allowing thou to step into the guise of one left in a world not of their own, thy true nature masked. Its connected feat structure allows thou to progress in thy changeling power as much or as little as thy sees fit, and the new Adaptive Shapechanger feat even lets thou martial some of the unique lineage abilities of the forms thy take!

Coven of Wort 30K

The power of the Witch grows, as a new coven subclass emerges from the realm! The Coven of Wort grants its members a connection to the botanical, allowing thou to make use of strange plantlife and brew potent concoctions. With it comes a unique familiar option too, the Bloommaw, a voracious carnivorous plant that beith all bite within all bark….

Bloom of Blight 40K

The plague of House Blight spreads across the realms evermore, threatening all who kneel to the natural order. This sickness has now consumed even more than we imagined, new creatures emerge ever tainted by its touch, and with them arrives magical artefacts and spells born of a similar unholy union. Shall thy resist its diseased grip, or champion this doom-ridden power?

Magic of True Names 50K

Onomancy hath already found root in the book of Faerie, but now thanks to thy support we hath been able to discover more of its secrets! An entirely new subschool of magic will now be accessible, spread across the schools you already know but of a kind entirely its own. With the power of true names thy can bewitch and banish, enchant or ensnare. These spells may take time to master, and preparation to use effectively, but with ample forethought thou willest become more powerful than ever before…

Knaves Companion 75K

All Knights needeth a Knave, and all knaves needeth a manuscript of instruction. This PDF player’s companion version of Faerie is now added to all tiers, and contains only material relevant to those wanderer’s who do not bear the title of Game Master. Now thou canst distribute only the most pertinent information to thy party of murderous crusaders, without fear that their curious eyes wander too deep into places they should not look…

Thus concludes the report, though remain stalwart wanderers, for breaching the horizon a new stretch goal hath emerged! Where Beasts Dwell (100K) bringeth with it new creatures and their lairs, as well as a new monster miniature STL to be added to the pack!

I shall return ere the next report!  For now look to coming of the fates, as a new tale championed by a hero of thine own choosing arrives very soon…


Sir Gyngalyn
Knight of The Dragons Vault
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