The Dragons Vault
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Faerie Fully Funded in 1 Hour!

Hail and well met!

Welcome fair wanderer’s and warriors-errant, as we begin our fabled journey towards the realm beyond realms…

I arrive with deep gratitude, for thanks to thy valiant support we hath funded more than 200% already after reaching our goal within but an hour! (and 4 minutes)

We hath also well vanquished two of our stretch goals, with more fast approaching! I shall return upon the morrow with further details and updates, including a more formal introduction of myself and what thou mayest expect from our humble campaign.

But for now I shall rest and celebrate a launch most strong. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of our hearts, for supporting us and for raising thy banner in aid of Faerie. Let it be known across the realms that when the horns sounded and called for aid, ‘twas you bold people that answered the call!

- Conor

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