Tabletop Time
about 20 hours ago

Project Update: Complete your Surveys!

We have just sent out Surveys for the campaign! Please complete these as early as possible! As soon as the vast majority are done, we can deliver files.

I did want to cover a brief point - Backerkit has processes, and we want to run this campaign as effectively, professionally and smoothly as possible, but we also want to learn. And while this campaign has a simple single question for most, the rest of the survey and pledge manager process is about managing your pledge and confirming details and payment. However for many more complex campaigns, this step is where a lot of the action takes place, details taken, shipment confirmed - So we want to run this campaign by the book, so we are as prepared and experienced as we can be if we run a future campaign with a greater need for such features.

We are now in the window of people completing pledge manager and locking in orders, so we anticipate about two weeks from here until we can lock orders, charge cards and deliver files! Very exciting! While all of this occurs, we still haven't received any funds from the campaign, so we cannot forge ahead in a million exciting ways just yet - So from us, we are also in limbo a little bit, just hanging out with you all. The only person forging ahead is Alysha, working on more art - We shared an amazing portrait in our recent youtube video, but wanted to share with you all the same first ever look at one of our Heroic and Daring Submariners.

How this portrait is ultimately going to be used is something we will reveal later, as we plan to incorporate this artwork into our lore PDF as well as to provide wallpaper versions, however the exact delivery (background, theme) of those is yet to be decided.

Let us know what you think of him - Would you befriend our fishy fam?
Kindred Submariner - Alysha Lowery
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