Tabletop Time
3 days ago

Project Update: WE DID IT!! - What now??

Thankyou all SO MUCH - I asked Alysha to doodle up a little Kindred to celebrate, and it captures our feelings well. This project means a lot to us, it is extremely humbling and exciting to see not only how much you want to support Tabletop Time to continue as a youtube channel, but also how enthused you are for our ideas, miniatures and upcoming world on its own merit.

It is easy to feel isolated, unsure and not know if what you're doing really is as cool as you think it is - But you've all proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you want to see the Kindred. 1876 Backers is HUGE - This is a success beyond our wildest imagining . We are alight with enthusiasm for what to come, and we wont let you down.


Over the next week, I will be setting up pledge manager, so we can begin the process of getting the initial file offering out to all backers. From there, Alysha will continue to to create art, while Jackson commences the first unit (We've chosen the Submersible Crab-walker as our first unit to complete) - I will continue to use my time on the project to manage it and guide the final concept art development and the direction of the sculpts, bust and cutaway art - which we can now confidently commission. Once all of this is underway, I can move on to working on the lore elements for the kindred as we put together our lore and art PDF. 

As sculpts begin to be completed, Jennifer, Murray and Myself will commence the process of developing some core paint schemes, in much the same was as Games Workshop represents its factions with several major in universe sub-factions. We will also choose one of these schemes to become the primary 'Studio Army' and paint that up, ensuring we have great units for product photography as well as example photos for our lore doc. 

At the same time as these goals are completed, we will be uploading them and making them available for download, we are optimistically hoping for roughly 1 stretch goal per month, however that will wax and wane slightly as Jacksons workload with Marcher fluctuates throughout the year. He is extremely busy, and we are grateful for his time on the project!

Our next update will be soon, covering the pledge manager, so stay tuned over the next week for that. Thankyou one more time for your support - This has been such a joy, and we are beyond excited to bring the Kindred to you in ALL their glory. 




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