2 months ago

Project Update: First Prototype Plushie Samples + Enamel Pins + Stickers Preview!

Hello everyone! We hope you've been having a good day!

We finally got some exciting stuff to show you! Our manufacturer has shared with us the first prototype sample of Moocha Latte and Sailor Moo, as well as the enamel pins, sticker sets, and sticker sheet!

Before we get into it, if you haven't answered your survey yet, please do so before the end of the year! There are still a handful of people who haven't gotten to answer their surveys just yet.


Please keep in mind that these are *NOT* THE FINAL PRODUCT, as these are the very first samples and will need refining and adjusting!

  • They accidentallly used the wrong fabric (fluffy fabric like Cotton's) when they're supposed to have thes same minky fabric used for Cherry. This will be corrected in the next sample update!

  • Minor adjustments will be made, such as Moocha Latte's tail and dollop of cream on his head, as well as Sailor Moo's bowtie and a fuller hat, amongst other details!

Other than that, the bulk of the design is done and it's just smoothing out some rough edges! 😊

Sticker Sets & Cherry Sticker Sheets

We also received all of the stickers! These are printed beautifully and are so nice and soft to the touch!

Enamel Pins

The samples are finished and finally here!

There are some minor color adjustments that we want to make, such as Sailor Moo's blue coat markings, especially considering sometimes manufacturer photos don't capture the colors quite as well due to lighting's influence, but overall the pins are pretty much solid otherwise!! We're so excited!!

That's all for now! We hope the month of December has been going well for you so far, and we'll see you in the next update!

Lots of love,
user avatar image for Swamphy




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