Steve Jackson Games
11 months ago

Project Update: 50 All-New Cards Exclusive to Munchkin Big Box - Let's Talk About A Few!

​Hey everyone!

We asked both Steve and John about what they most enjoyed while working on the 50 brand-new cards in the Munchkin Big Box.

Wouldn’t you know it, they had different answers! 

One new card immediately came to mind for John. “Two-Handed Axe literally made me snort-laugh, when I was looking through the cards just now,” he said. “It’s not my favorite drawing – let’s go with Orangutangle or Hold Everything for that – but a reminder of how much I enjoy any chance I get to work with Steve on a set. Just a delightfully twisted card that only he could come up with.” 

John said that even after drawing more than 7,500 cards over 25 years, "Munchkin remains a joy and a privilege to illustrate.”

Steve said, “I was tasked to write 50 brand new cards for John to illustrate. That was a chore, but the best kind. Of those 50, to just pick a few . . .

  • Cthoo-Loo – This was a present for John. He loves drawing Cthulhu and he loves drawing toilets. There you go!

  • Palindromedary - Just because it’s so stupid.

  • Cimim - Why has no one ever done this before?

  • Named - Just to add a bit of metagame!”

Both Steve and John have a lot of fun with Munchkin even after so many years, and it shows. We can’t wait for you to see the rest of the 50 new cards in their full glory when the Munchkin Big Box arrives at your door.

Did you know that John stopped by on launch day to celebrate and answer some questions on our live stream? Check it out!

Thank you!

- Darryll





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