Steve Jackson Games
5 months ago

Project Update: Manufacturing Update #1

A progress update!

The team that reviews our new products has sent over some great first images of components from the Munchkin Big Box. Work is still in progress, and there may be changes or updates before the final product. But this all looks good so far! There are some previously unmentioned upgrades, like fully stitched edges on the playmats, and there will be another (good!) surprise or two as we get more sample images.

Our playmats feature fancy stitching along the edge. Stylish!

As we work through this process, we'll keep you updated. We will also provide more shipping information when we have a better estimate on completion date. Look for another update soon!

Munchkin had a busy year in 2024. Not only did you successfully fund the Munchkin Big Box, but there were also multiple new expansions in various sizes, like Taken For Granite, Dead & Deader, Snakes, and Rats, as well as some other creepy crawlies for your next game of Munchkin. Finally, we are excited about the all-new deluxe core set, Munchkin Shadowrun. Created in collaboration with Catalyst Game Labs, this game offers a new way to win . . . hack your way to victory!

Thank you!
- The Munchkin Team
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