Steve Jackson Games
5 months ago

Project Update: Munchkin Big Box Rulebook - Now Available in PDF

Hello, everyone!

Last week we were asked to share the Munchkin Big Box Rulebook here on the community page. Having recently finalized our internal production of all the new items we added, as well as some extensive editing, we have a rulebook we can share. Click the image below to visit the webpage for Munchkin Big Box. There, you'll find the rules nestled at the very bottom of the page (just like all of the Munchkin games)!

Visit the Munchkin Big Box page

We've seen some questions about when to expect your Munchkin Big Box. As I mentioned above, we have recently finalized our internal work, and now we are in the process of handing everything off to the printer. Until the files have actually been received – and we have received tooling samples on each and every component – it's impossible to provide a ship date. As soon as we know, we’ll let you know! Keep your eyes and ears open for when those tooling samples come in, as I'm certain we'll be sharing some pics.

These rocks are on a roll!

An all-new 56-card expansion set illustrated by John Kovalic is now available for pre-order on Warehouse 23 and scheduled for retail release on October 1st. Munchkin: Taken For Granite combines a ton of earth and a pebble of magic into a legion of the weirdest, wackiest constructs you’ve ever seen!

Munchkin: Taken for Granite 56-Card Set

Let us know your thoughts below, or reach out to us directly by visiting our help page.

Thank you!

- Darryll

PS: For those who want nothing more than to settle in with a nice book of eldritch horror, click here to follow for details on the next four offerings of the Choose Cthulhu gamebooks!
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