Project Update: Fulfillment Update #2 & Munchkin Monthly Return
Munchkin Big Box Fulfillment Update – We’re Almost There!
Hey backers! We know you're eager to get your hands on your Munchkin Big Box and pledge items, and we appreciate your patience. Here’s the latest:
Shipping is almost here! Some containers have arrived, but we’re still waiting on the rest to clear and be checked in. While we wait, we’re prepping everything behind the scenes to get pledges out as quickly as possible.
Fulfillment will take time. With over 9,000 backers (yes, really—over 9,000!) and some very complex orders, shipping will roll out over several weeks. We’ll post another update once pledges start going out.
Tariffs & unexpected costs.
We had hoped to clear the containers before the early March tariff deadline but weren’t able to do so. That meant paying a significant unexpected amount to the U.S. government. However, as promised, we will not pass these extra costs on to you. We just wanted to be upfront about the challenges we faced.
We’re getting so close – thank you for sticking with us! Stay tuned for more updates once fulfillment begins.
Munchkin Monthly Returns!
We're excited to announce that Munchkin Monthly is BACK! In the newsletter, you'll get all the inside scoop about upcoming releases and learn about Munchkin Road to Gen Con events, and we'll also have a special surprise for you in the first issue!
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or leave us a message on our help page.
—The Munchkin Team