Bill Campbell
7 months ago

Project Update: Free Signed Copies of THE DAY THE KLAN CAME TO TOWN to the Next FIVE Backers

Greetings, Party People.

Many of you may already be familiar with the graphic novel that Bizhan Khodabandeh and I did back in 2021, THE DAY THE KLAN CAME TO TOWN (Honorable Mention for Graphic Novel of the Year by Publishers Weekly). For those of you who are not, it's about a Klan riot that happened in my hometown, Carnegie, PA, when, in a show of white supremacist force, the Ku Klux Klan marched 30,000 people on the borough of 10,000, targeting the Irish, Southern and Eastern Europeans who lived there. They outnumbered the immigrants 10 to 1 in the streets, and the Klan lost. However, in a case of purposeful "amnesia," this historic riot became a town secret until Bizhan and I came out with the book.

Well, yesterday was the 101st anniversary of the riot. Last year, Carnegie actually hosted us to commemorate the 100th anniversary This year, we still be offering free, signed (by the author) copies to the next five backers of $30 or more to this campaign!!!

So, if you've been thinking about backing the campaign, this is the time!

You can read more about the riot here.






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