4 months ago

Project Update: Big Update: Cross Collab, Retailer Tier, and MORE!

Hey folks! We waited a few days on this to cram as much into this announcement as possible. Yeah we could have sent a million emails with all we have going on, but we're trying to keep that to a minimum. We hope your in box appreciates us as much as we appreciate your support.

NPC Poll Results

First off, we have the results of our poll [link goes here]! You wanted to hear more about Dickhead Dale, and we're going to tell you more.

The Hole, a punk rock bar, caters to the disabled and terminally ill. On Ithaca, with it's toxic, strip mined lowlands surrounding the mountain cities on all sides for thousands of miles, poor work place safety standards, and Arrow Biomed run amok, Cancer Punk has evolved. Cancer punk, the intersection of radical disability advocacy, militant environmentalism, and music louder than God, gets played almost every night at the club where Dickhead bounces.

Dickhead Dale, Bouncer in Chief
Dickhead earned the moniker from the two scars he sustained from the brain surgery he underwent. The one runs from front to back, over the top of his skull and is deep, supposedly resembling a urethra. The other runs from behind one ear, around the base of his skull, to behind the other ear. He wears the scars and name with pride, always keeping his head freshly shaved. Dickhead is eternally grateful to the radicals at the People’s clinic that operated on him, free of charge, after he suffered a traumatic brain injury on the job.
 Suffering from intermittent muteness, especially when pissed off, Dickhead doesn’t mind letting his brass knuckles do the talking. Dickhead is an obvious former Sunblock user with sallow, unhealthy skin, and bulging muscles. The only thing he hates more than TERFs, is Arrow Biomed, Sunblock’s original manufacturer.

Retailer Tier

By popular demand, we're adding a retailer tier for preorders of Straight Arrows. For $90 you get 9 zines, 10% off wholesale, just for backing! Additionally, we'll throw in a 2 patches, a sticker, and one of our maps! For additional preorders of wholesale goodies, feel free to reach out.

Cross Collaboration!

We've got some exciting news! Straight Arrows and Dog Eat Dog are teaming up! We'll let you know the details when they're all hammered out, but you should expect a little sumthin' sumthin'. It'll be cool, we promise. If you haven't checked them out yet, what are you waiting for?

 Check out our interview on The Panic Table's BARK AFTER DARK:

BIG NEWS: Secret Achievement!

We said there wouldn't be any more achievements to...achieve? Unlock? Unleash? Whatever, we totally lied. We're going to be making a digital tool to streamline the patient generation and investigation procedures we unlocked previously. We haven't talk much about those mechanics, but expect to hear more soonish. Our thoughts were that it'd be pretty dope to make a tool that allows you to cut your Warden prep time down by helping generate targets and investigation plot hooks based on the numerous awesome random charts and encounter tables we're currently working on. Yeah, that's right, some sick tables, and we're far enough in the development to already be working on stretch goals. Full disclosure: we don't intend to fulfill this achievement by the time we send out the final zine and other goodies. That said, the rules as written will be 100% functional and easy to use for creating your investigations, people of interest, and prospective patient targets. This tool will just automate that process and add some cool visualizations. With RACComputing (Ryan) and Bee's background in digital game design, this is a 100% realistic achievement, that we are committed to making in a timely fashion after fulfilling the rest of the project goals. That is, if we make our $10,000 goal. So tell your friends and maybe grab a couple freebies to put us over. We appreciate every sent you contribute and really hope we can afford to create this tool for y'all.

As always,
Your grateful Straight Arrows team
23 votes • Final results
We're adding a digital tool to streamline the creation of investigations and patient targets!
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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