Publishing Goblin
3 months ago

Project Update: The Normal Tarot Shipping FAQ | Missing Items | Who to Contact! | Deadlines!

Hello folks!
I've seen a big rise in emails this weekend from people worried about their packages, so let's get some answers out here! I apologies I was in Philadelphia for Pax Unplugged Thurs-Mon, and so I saw it all come in but resolved to handle it today.

When Will My Package Ship?

Many people already have them, and many also don't. My understanding (and I'm gaining new info from New Titan today) ((never mind I guess tomorrow but I already have the info I need in hand)) is that packages are entering the mail for the US this week. International orders should, generally, already have their packages, or at least tracking! If you didn't, you can see "I Didn't Get a Package or Tracking" below.

So to be clear, US people should expect packages to start heading to them yet this week and into next week. Canada orders should see tracking start up in that same time, but I know with the strike it may be chaos when it reaches the border.

Will I Get Tracking?

Yes! New Titan auto-sends to the email associated with your backerkit when they ship your item. This often has a subject line like "Publishing Goblin has sent you a package!" 

I Didn't Get a Package or Tracking! or I'm Missing Items!

Please contact New Titan Print, who both manufactured and have handled our shipping for us.
Their email is: [email protected]
If, however, the item you are missing is: 2nd Edition Art Prints (gold or silver), or the Sticker Set, please hang tight. Those are coming from me, I was waiting for packages to be sending out before I sent them to keep them relatively close in time. 

The 2nd Ed Art Prints and Sticker Sets

These are shipping here from my office. Have just waited until we had things arriving. You'll also get tracking on those items from Pirateship as I make your labels!


Now on this project, 1850 people are all good and having items in hand now or shortly. But 44 are having their shipping cost added to their orders now, and another 29 haven't done their surveys at all, while another 31 have shipping charges on their accounts but have no payment method input to pay it, so have been sitting.

  • The 44 who are getting shipping costs added to their orders right now are going to be charged once they are all on.
  • The 29 who didn't reply to their surveys are going to be emailed (again, for the 12th+ time)
  • The 31 with no payment methods have to go in manually to input a pay method, and I'll be emailing them directly today with directions!

SURVEY DEADLINE before orders are canceled
Since we are sending the first wave officially now, we begin our timer for the last people to get their info in. We now have 30 days for people who didn't do surveys to get those in. This is the 9th of January. If people don't get their surveys done by that day, their orders will be canceled with their funds put in the project considered donations to the project's fulfillment.
If after that time people have shipping costs but haven't paid their shipping still, I'll reach out and give them one more week to get that taken care of. Otherwise their pledges will likewise be canceled.

You have 30 days after your package arrives (according to tracking) to let us know that items are missing, damaged. Inform New Titan, info shared up above. 
You have 45 days after your package is shipped to let us know that your package itself didn't arrive, based on your tracking number's start date. For international backers, that's 60 days.

The Misery Tarot

And yes, I do have the Misery Tarot live right now on Backerkit. And no, I do not at all begrudge you for choosing to wait to back it (if you are at all) until you have the Normal Tarot in your hands! In fact, I fully support that! I'm doing my best to set up projects so that projects of the same type (tarot and tarot, game and game, pin and pin) are shipped out before another one launches, with some exceptions like the Hot Housewives Tarot which is running in the background of other projects.
But if you're so moved, or you get yours in hand and then are ready for more, you can back it here!

Thanks all, and happy holidays and new year,

your pub gob
user avatar image for Publishing Goblin





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