Publishing Goblin
5 months ago

Project Update: Package Travels | Confluence!

Hello my friends!

A few people have been asking for updates, so I wanted to lay out the timeline clearly for everyone. First, I moved everyone who is in Fulfillment's hands to 'Fulfilled'. This just means your package is moving, not that it's expected to already be in your hands.


We had a set date of September 30th to get our packages in the container and on a boat to leave China. It was delayed due to the Chinese Holiday that goes from Oct 1-8, but we still got out of port on the 4th. That said, it should arrive in the US by the end of October. We will then move the stock around between our three main warehouses: California, New Jersey, Texas. Once all warehouses have their stock, we will send packages out at the same time, looking to be mid-November.

That means that your packages are en-route for North America, but you will see it in roughly a month from today. If you move in that time and need to update your address, you can email New Titan who is handling our fulfillment! [email protected]


We are aiming to ship right around the time that our vessel arrives to the US, as we will be moving pallets around first before shipping to the US, so our packages should generally arrive all at the same time around the world. This means Mid-November.

If you are a RoW backer (outside of the US/Canada/Mexico), and you will be moving before then, please let New Titan know at the above shared email!

This means the Normal Tarot should be in people's hands for the holidays, which is pretty lovely.

CONFLUENCE: The Living Archive

CONFLUENCE: The Living Archive is the currently live (here on Backerkit) project for the all-new roleplaying game about exploration and experience in the wide world of Ajurea. Strange events called Confluxes bring in peoples, places, items, ideas, magics, technologies, and more from the past, future, and other worlds entirely! This means Confluence is a game of constant new-ness, running into new peoples and ideas and cultures at every turn with near-infinite possibility.

While it is a big TTRPG, there is also a Lore Bundle that you can grab that includes just the lore/setting information in two books that explore the world in a way that's fun to read and that you could treat as purely interesting diegetic (in-world) volumes. You could also totally use these as a campaign setting to play in a system of your choice!

Confluence is such a big and important project for Publishing Goblin as a business, it's hard to express just how important, so please give it a moment to check it out and see if you'd be interested in anything fun! : )

Thanks all, excited to get the Normal Tarot out into all of your hands!

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