Play On Words Studios
1 day ago

Project Update: Weekend Update: €14k Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉

Dear Backers and Friends,

We’re excited to announce that we’ve hit our €14,000 stretch goal, unlocking the Extra Maker Subclass: Brass Consortium Artisan! Thank you so much for your support and for helping us reach this milestone.

Here’s what’s up next:
  • €15,000: More Patron Options to expand character backgrounds and connections.
  • €16,000: Extra Face Subclass: Church of Astra Preacher, a character who excels in persuasion and spiritual guidance.

We’re also making great progress on our Social Achievements! Your shares and engagement are helping us unlock even more subclasses for the final book.

Be a part of the excitement by sharing the campaign and letting others know about Shadow City Mysteries. Together, we can unlock even more content and make this project truly unforgettable!

Thank you for your continued support—let’s make this weekend amazing!

See you in the shadows,
Christopher Mifsud
CEO/Creative Director
Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game
Includes Follower-Exclusive Content
Once we reach 1500 Instagram Followers we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 1,282 / 1,500
We need 218 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach 500 Twitter Followers we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 398 / 500
We need 102 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach 500 Discord Members we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 93 / 500
We need 407 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach 200 TikTok Followers we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 48 / 200
We need 152 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach 200 YouTube Followers we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 59 / 200
We need 141 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach 500 Steam Followers we will unlock an Extra Subclass
Goal: 180 / 500
We need 320 more to reach this goal.




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