Play On Words Studios
8 days ago

Project Update: Project Update: 80% Funded in 20 Hours! Almost There!

Dear Backers and Friends,

We are thrilled to share that we’re 80% of the way to being fully funded in just 20 hours! 🎉 We’re so close to reaching our goal, and we couldn’t have come this far without each of you.

Once we hit 100%, the real fun begins—stretch goals! We have some incredible content and upgrades lined up to make your journey through Shadow City Mysteries even more immersive and exciting. Every pledge brings us one step closer to unlocking these fantastic extras!

Don’t Miss the 48-Hour Early Bird Bonus!
If you haven’t yet backed, there’s still time to claim your exclusive PDF Mystery Adventure, "Night of the Nightingale," available to all backers who pledge within the first 48 hours! This adventure ties directly into our upcoming game, Shadow City Mysteries: A Clockwork Noir, and it’s a bonus you won’t want to miss.

Help Us Reach the Finish Line!
We’re almost there, and with just a little more support, we’ll hit our goal and unlock those stretch goals! Please continue sharing the project, spreading the word, and letting others know about Shadow City Mysteries. Together, we can make this game the best it can be.

Thank you again for your incredible support. We’re so close to bringing Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game to life—let’s push through to the finish and beyond!

See you in the shadows,
Christopher Mifsud
CEO/Creative Director
Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game




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