Play On Words Studios
2 days ago

Project Update: One Week In—Fully Funded and 4 Stretch Goals Unlocked!

Dear Backers and Friends,

We’re officially one week into the campaign, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re fully funded and have already unlocked 4 stretch goals! 🙌 Just recently, we hit our €13,000 stretch goal, unlocking more Light and Shadow Spells to enrich the magic of Shadow City.

Now we’re working towards even more exciting content! Here’s what’s next:
  • €14,000: Extra Maker Subclass: Brass Consortium Artisan
  • €15,000: More Patron Options to enhance your character’s connections and influences
  • €16,000: Extra Face Subclass: Church of Astra Preacher, a character adept at persuasion and spiritual leadership

Let’s make this second week of the campaign even more incredible! Share the campaign, spread the word, and let’s continue building the world of Shadow City Mysteries together.

Don't forget that we also have a cross-collab going on with fellow Maltese game creators at Deadline - A Clockwork Press. If you back both of our games, you get a free and exclusive reward! Our reward is an A4-sized case file folder, ideal for organising your broadsheets and city record sheets in one place. The folder's design showcases ephemera woven with threads of mystery and lore, making it perfect for adding depth to your adventures.
Thank you for your awesome support!

See you in the shadows,
Christopher Mifsud
CEO/Creative Director
Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game
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