Pelgrane Press
4 months ago

Project Update: 8 hours left and two new stretch goals added!

A fevered frenzy is surging through us in these fleeting final hours! In our boundless ambition to transcend mortal thresholds, we have unveiled two new stretch goals, awaiting realization should we dare to surpass the ineffable sum of £180,000:

  • £190,000: UNTHINKABLE CORRELATIONS: The Trail of Cthulhu Second Edition Resource Book. When we hit this stretch goal, Ken and Gar will write a new companion volume to Trail of Cthulhu, building on the 1st edition Resource Book and Night's Black Agents' Double Tap, containing new options for players, new rules, expanded advice for Game Moderators, and a wealth of other horrors.
  • £200,000 YOU ARE PROVIDENCE: If this goal is met, Pelgrane Press will produce a sourcebook exploring the occult secrets and horrors of Lovecraft's beloved Providence, the city that inspired and enchanted him all his life. Journey to the true Lovecraft country, and draw back the veil of history!

Indulge your Actual Play desires with Episodes 3 and 4 of A Ravenous Hunger, now available on our YouTube channel:






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