Pelgrane Press
4 months ago

Project Update: The Stars Shift, and the Moment is Held at Bay

Through rites best left unspoken and by invoking those ancient names which chill the very soul, we have forestalled—for now—the arrival of that dreadful occurrence which would consume both flesh and reason—this campaign's premature end. The stars, mercifully, do not yet align, and the dark forces slumber once more,  appeased by our offerings—for another full week.

In the shadowed halls of power, the ancient ritual of selection unfolds once more; and our final hours will not be drowned out by the cries of loyalty and despair from their teeming throngs!

This reprieve is but a fleeting whisper in the face of eternity; come November 14th, all must fall silent.

Meanwhile, the next episode of Trail of Cthulhu 2e Actual Play A Ravenous Hunger awaits, as does an intruder in the libary below...

When we reach this goal, The Black Book character generator will be updated to support Trail of Cthulhu 2nd Edition. Plus, improved character sheets will match the official 2E format for better printing!
Goal: £150,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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