James Bell
12 months ago

Project Update: Final Days Review: Pledge Tiers and Add On Options

Hello Curious Cats!

I've got a lot to go over with you today, but before we get to our Final Days update, let's set ourselves up for some success over these next few days.

It's time for a few more Stretch Goal targets to be rolled out. First up, our current target...

At $32,000 in Funding - MOBILE WALLPAPER – Curious Cats artwork will be used to create a wallpaper for your mobile device lockscreen. This mobile wallpaper will be added to the rewards list of all backers supporting this project.

Since we're *this close* to unlocked our current target, let's prep a few more to take us to our finale!

At $35,000 in Funding – JUMPSTART PDF - An introductory scenario designed to introduce new players to the game, along with ready-made characters and a basic rules overview, will be created as a Jumpstart PDF supplement and added as a bonus to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Curious Cats of Mau PDF.

At $40,000 in Funding – STREAMING OVERLAY – A set of overlays for your online Curious Cats game will be created, for your use when streaming your cat-centric Realms of Pugmire game. This reward will be added to the rewards list for all backers.

As I noted, we're so close to unlocking the mobile wallpaper that it could even happen while I'm typing this update. After that, we'll work hard to see if we can unlock a jumpstart intro supplement to help a Guide kick off a brand new Curious Cats campaign. And then, with a lot of teamwork from a lot of cool cats, we can unlock some Streaming Overlays. After watching some of the Actual Play episodes that I shared recently, I'd love to have my screen be more cat-themed while my group plays!

Now let's get to today's topic!

We're in the Final Days countdown for this Crowdfunding campaign. Curious Cats of Mau finished the crowdfunding campaign on Thursday, March 21st at 2:00 PM EDT (or until we a backer train after that point). There's still time to herd a few more cats and get them curious enough about the game to join in, but we're definitely getting closer to the finish line. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over these final 4+ days to make sure everyone has the information they need to support this project in the way that works best for them.

Final Week Program

  • Mar 17 - Pledge Tier & Add On Review (that's today!)
  • Mar 19 - Manuscript Preview # 6 - Adventures!
  • Mar 20 - Stretch Goal Review
  • Mar 21 - Final Day Checklist & What Comes Next

Whether you've newly discovered the monarchies or are an established member of a Great House, these are some good topics to review over this week to make sure we all end up where we want to be.

(An aside, if you're a new backer, make sure you check out our Final Week Countdown / Resource Update. It has links to the manuscript previews, cool cat fiction, and a ton of Actual Play sessions.)


Like it says right at the top of the campaign story page, we've come together to help create a fully developed PDF and hardcover versions for this cat-themed expansion for the Realms of Pugmire tabletop roleplaying game. Many of you have already helped us fund the core rulebook for this game and are ready to expand into the monarchies, while some of you may be learning about this fantastical world for the first time. Or maybe you loved the first edition and want to see how the game has evolved over the years. Here's the starting point for your curiosity! 


To borrow an analogy that I've used in past campaigns, this process we're a part of works similar to the "Viewers Like You" support campaign from your local Public Broadcasting Station (for those who get American television channels or watched Sesame Street in the pre-HBO era): There are various levels of support that you can pledge to, and these come with various levels of rewards offered as a thank you. Like getting a tote bag or t-shirt when you give money to public broadcasting to fund them doing their thing, you can get rewards for helping Onyx Path work on this project.

Let's review the Backer Reward Tiers to ensure that you've pledged to a Reward Tier that provides all the rewards you wish to receive.

Hardcover Book or PDF Version

The main reward offered in this campaign is, of course, the main goal of the entire proposition: the finished book for Curious Cats of Mau. The first decision you need to make is what form your rewards will take. Do you want your main rewards in digital form and are going for the PDF rulebook? Or do you have space on your shelf for the hardcover book? (Note - the hardcover version includes the PDF as a bonus!).

While the monarchies of Mau may be full of mysteries, dangers, intrigue, and opportunities, we've kept supporting this project as simple and straightforward as possible. To pledge support to this project, pledge yourself to one of these great Houses:
  • HOUSE MAU: This is the PDF-only reward tier. So, if you're saving trees or saving shelf space - or avoiding the shipping charges that are absolutely ever-increasing - this is the reward tier options that you should begin with. The PDF will be fulfilled by our partners at DriveThruRPG.com - when it is ready, you will receive a link to add it to your DTRPG library at no cost and be able to download at your leisure.

  • HOUSE KORAT: This reward tier includes the hardcover version of this book. Shipping costs ARE NOT included in the cost of your pledge. You will be charged for shipping after the campaign through the pledge manager. In addition, this option also includes the PDF version, so you will get a digital copy as described above.

In addition to these primary reward pledges, we also offer the following options:

  • HOUSE CYMRIC: Not ready to commit, or just looking to offer general support? This pledge tier is for you. This does not include our primary reward, but allows you to select some digital optional Add Ons, as well as participating in the post-campaign Pledge Manager as a backer. You'll also be able to read the draft manuscript of Curious Cats of Mau that we post throughout this campaign.

  • HOUSE SIBERIAN / THE SHADOW BLOC: A few Reward Tiers offer special limited premium rewards in addition to the basics, including an option to have your pet serve as a Art Model or a chance to supply a pet's name to be used by an NPC included in a supplement. Check each of the Reward Tier descriptions for more details.

Need the Realms of Pugmire Core Rules as well? They form the basic system upon which Curious Cats of Mau (and all Pugmire 2E games) are built. We've set up these one-click pledge paths to get you started! If you don't already have a copy of the Realms of Pugmire Core Rulebook headed your way, you soon will by choosing either of these reward tiers.

  • HOUSE REX: A digital entry into Pugmire, this pledge path contains PDF versions of both the Curious Cats of Mau setting sourcebook as well as the Realms of Pugmire Core Rules.

  • HOUSE ANGORA: This pledge path will get you both the PDF and hardcover books for  both the Curious Cats of Mau setting sourcebook and the Realms of Pugmire Core Rules.

The Realms of Pugmire Core Rulebook had a successful crowdfunding campaign last year and is currently in final development and pre-production. Any option that includes the Realms of Pugmire PDF will receive the current draft of the manuscript, which you can use as a rules reference until the Backer PDF is ready for delivery. All hardcover rewards will be sent in a single shipment, when Curious Cats of Mau is ready for fulfillment.

An important reminders at this stage:

  • Shipping Costs: We’ll be charging for shipping in the Pledge Manager once the books are being printed and we can deal with the actual shipping charges rather than using our best-guesses this far out. We’re still anticipating pretty hefty costs to ship the book internationally (see our current guesses on the story page) so be forewarned, but we’ll cross that enormous bridge when we get to it.

Those premium reward tiers have limited slots, and some are completely claimed at this point, but if you're really interested in any of them it's a good idea to check on availability right up until the end of the campaign, as budgets shift and we may see some pledge changes that could open up a slot or two.

After the campaign is over we'll launch our BackerKit Pledge Manager and invite the backers to set up their rewards via survey. This allows you to confirm your pledge and add on anything that you might have missed, as well as possibly increasing your pledged reward tier, should you choose to expand your reward selection. This option will give international backers additional time to investigate shipping options, should they choose, knowing they can confirm a physical reward at a later date. We will also use BackerKit's Pledge Manager to charge actual shipping costs for orders when we're approaching order fulfillment. Funding collected by BackerKit after the crowdfunding campaign does not count toward any campaign Stretch Goals, however.

You'll note that two rewards - Access to the Manuscript Previews and Participation in Post-Campaign Pledge Manager - are included in ALL reward tiers. That's just one of the perks of participating in this crowdfunding campaign!

OPTIONAL DISCOUNTED PoD VERSION – For this Curious Cats of Mau campaign, you will have the option of using DriveThruRPG.com’s Print-On-Demand service to purchase a physical, printed copy of the PDF directly from their PoD partners at discounted cost (this cost is not included in your pledge, and you do not need to increase the cost of your pledge to use this option). When the PoD versions are available to order (which may be some time after the books have gone to print), you will receive links to purchase these versions of the books from DriveThruRPG.com. You DO NOT need to take advantage of this PoD offer as it does not affect in any way your pledge rewards.

CURIOUS CATS OF MAU PDF VERSION - The digital version of Curious Cats of Mau, fulfilled by our partners at DriveThruRPG.com. Crowdfunding backers will receive a redemption links for an early version of this book before it goes on sale to the public. This initial "Advance Version" will be used to get feedback from the fans to make the final version the best that it can be. When it has been updated to the final version, it will automatically be added to your DriveThruRPG library and available for download at your convenience.

CURIOUS CATS OF MAU HARDCOVER BOOK - The main goal of this campaign is to fund the creation, production, and print run of a hardcover edition of this book. Note that all Reward Tiers that include the physical hardcover version also include the digital PDF version as a bonus. Shipping costs ARE NOT included in the cost of your pledge. You will be charged for shipping after the campaign through the pledge manager.

REALMS OF PUGMIRE PDF and HARDCOVER BOOK - The digital version of Realms of Pugmire will be fulfilled by our partners at DriveThruRPG.com, and the hardcover book will ship alongside your Curious Cats of Mau hardcover reward in a single shipment. Backers pledging to either the House Rex or House Angora tier will have the option to upgrade to the Deluxe Realms of Pugmire book in the Pledge Manager after the campaign. 

Choosing Your Reward Tier

There has been some churn over this past week - a few Reward Tier adjustments and changes by backers, as budgets changed and people have read the manuscript previews. In these final days it's best to ensure that you've selected the Reward Tier that offers you the options and rewards you want to receive and are ready to lock down. This timing - before the campaign ends - is the absolute most affordable and inclusive these rewards will be, and will save headaches and heartbreaks if fully considered now.

This is just the first step, however, in completing your pledge for this campaign. Funds for additional extras can be added to your pledge by selecting Add On options and increasing the overall funding and maybe getting us closer to a Stretch Goal.

First Step: Reward Tier

To summarize the first part of this post, the absolute best way to ensure that you're getting the primary rewards you want from this crowdfunding campaign is to ensure you've selected the appropriate Backer Reward Tier. Selecting the right Reward Tier covers about 95% of the options available to you. If you want a PDF only, make sure you've selected the correct reward. If you want the hardcover version, double-check your reward tier to ensure the proper option is featured. If you're going digital now but want the option of getting a discounted Print-on-Demand copy later, make sure you've got a reward tier that includes it.

Once you've completed that important step, you're going to want to look at the Add On rewards for any reward "bits" that don't automatically fall into your reward tier. That takes us to the Add On step.

Step Two: Add-On Options

Once you've chosen your pledge tier, you've likely already included the main rewards you want. In addition to the rewards offered as part of the Reward Tier configurations, there are a few other possible rewards you may wish to add. All Add-On rewards are described in our Add On menu below.

You can select an Add On option, which will increase the amount of your pledge by the listed amount. Add on options will be selected and confirmed again in the Pledge Manager when that's up and running.

You can add additional copies of the Curious Cats of Mau PDF or hardcover to your rewards list, or add the Realms of Pugmire PDF or hardcover book - or even the limited deluxe edition version - that will ship when your hardcover Curious Cats book is ready to go.

Thanks to our Stretch Goal success, we also have two versions of the Guide Screen. While both have the same interior charts and tables, you can get either the dog- or cat-themed version depending on your preference!

Add more fun to your tabletop with the Realms of Pugmire dice set or dice tray!

In addition to these options for the Realms of Pugmire game and Curious Cats expansion, we're also offering four bundles of digital material for the older edition of this game. While not 100% compatible (although it's pretty easy to adapt), these are great sources of inspiration and information for anyone looking to dig deeper into some of the lore for the setting.

Pick a Pledge Tier, then Add On Options

Ready to join in? If you're backing for the first time, you can click BACK IT and select your Pledge Tier and finalize funding amount in the next menu.

Using myself as an example, I'm already a fan of the Realms of Pugmire and have decided to splurge and get the hardcover to sit proudly on my gaming shelf. Once I click BACK IT, I see my pledge level options. If I want to know a bit more about each level, I can click Learn More, or if I know what I'm looking for, I can click Back It.

I'm looking at the House Korat pledge. If I hadn't already backed the Realms of Pugmire campaign and secured the hardcover core rulebook, I'd instead pledge to House Angora.

Clicking "Learn More" expands the Pledge Level info. For example, clicking "Learn More" on House Korat gives you...

This is the reward I'm choosing, as it exactly fits my needs for this project.

Once you're ready, you can click that BACK IT button and go right to Add On options.

For example, I've decided on the $55 House Korat pledge, so I select BACK IT for that tier, and then I want to add on at least one of the optional Add On extras to my rewards list. I'm going to add the cat-themed Screen to my pledge.

My total is $80 USD
That's $55 for my House Korat pledge,
+$25 for my cat-themed Guide Screen add on option

If I hadn't added the dice and dice tray during my Realms of Pugmire pledge, I'd likely get those as well.

When everything is correct, click NEXT and then Confirm Your Pledge. You'll get an e-mail confirmation of your choices.

If you're already a backer but want to update your pledge or Add On choices...

Select "Manage Your Pledge" at the top of the page, and then "Edit Your Pledge" on your listing, and then...

You can select a new Pledge Level from the available option menu, or Change your Add On selection.

As before, you'll confirm all of your choices, and then receive an e-mail confirmation once that's done.

And with that, my pledge level and Add On options are set for your pledge. At this time, you don't need to worry about setting shipping information.

You should also be aware that any available Add On options will be made available in our BackerKit pledge manager, so if you're unsure about adding on something at this point, you will be able to adjust your pledge in the post-campaign phase.


About 4-6 weeks after the campaign has ended, I'll launch our post-campaign Pledge Manager to collect information from all backers and confirm which rewards you'll be receiving. At that point, you'll be able to review your rewards and also also adjust any Add On Options that you may have missed. Once we have everything confirmed, I'll be able to deliver any rewards that are currently available - like 1E digital bundles. Backers who have pledged for these options will be sent special redemption links to claim these digital rewards from our partners at DriveThruRPG.com. Clicking these redemption links will allow you to add these PDF titles to your digital library to download anytime. I'll send an update when all of that is happening, though, so you are aware every step of the way.

So, while it will take some time for Curious Cats of Mau to move from manuscript form to a final product, you won't be waiting a year for PDFs that already exist. (You'll be waiting about 6-8 weeks or so, just enough time for us to set up the reward infrastructure.)

Physical Books

If you're waiting to see the International shipping costs before upgrading your PDF pledge to any of the hardcover reward tiers, you'll have lots of time for that. We won't close the Pledge Manager until the books are ready to print and we know what shipping costs will be, so you'll be able to go back and adjust your pledge tier at that time.

It's going to take some time to create the final PDF for Curious Cats of Mau and even longer for the eventual print run for the hardcover books. When the books are at the printer, I will be in touch with all backers to outline timeline for pledge adjustments, as well as lockdown procedures and when we'll be confirming addresses and processing BackerKit Add Ons and Shipping payments. That's a long time away, and we'll cover that as we get closer to that part of the process.

Don't fret if you had forgotten to select additional rewards by the end of the campaign. These Add Ons will be available to select in our post-campaign Pledge Manager for those who participated in our campaign and have full access to the Pledge Manager. So, if you are undecided at this time, you will be able to hold off until we're closer to the final reward shipment goes out.

Step 1: Pledge Tier

Step 2: Add On Options

Again, your first step should involve your main reward selection, and your Add On Options will build upon that. If you selected the PDF-only tier, you can investigate PDF and digital options. If you select a hardcover tier, you will be able to add physical reward options. You should not add on additional physical rewards (like the Guide Screen) if the Curious Cats of Mau hardcover book is not included in your pledge tier reward list, but these Add Ons will appear in BackerKit if you later adjust your pledge choice.

Note that all funds are expressed in US Dollars, so take into account your conversion as needed.

It Adds Up!

That should explain the process of Selecting your Reward Level and adding Add On options and confirming your TOTAL PLEDGE AMOUNT. Since increasing your pledge amount increases the overall funding level of the project, add-ons can help us achieve our Stretch Goal funding targets, so it benefits us all to suggest that you double-check to make sure you're getting all of the rewards you want.

Additionally, this may go without saying, please review your personal budget and ensure you've selected the appropriate reward tier and add ons for your current financial situation. BackerKit will begin charging your payment method at midnight the day the campaign ends, so ensure you've budgeted correctly. Choose what works best for you now and is affordable at this time, knowing that you can upgrade your pledge level or choose Add Ons in the Pledge Manager at a late date.


As we move through these final days of the campaign, please ensure you've chosen the correct Reward Level for the rewards you want (at least at this point). And beyond that - please make sure you've investigated and selected any add-ons you wish to receive. If you have any issues with the Pledge process, either selecting the reward tier or figuring out the Add On options, you can reach out to me or to the support team at BackerKit. I've found them to respond quickly and offer great support.

On Thursday, just before the campaign ends, I will send an update detailing the steps that occur after the campaign concludes, including notes about our Pledge Manager and the communication plan going forward.

So, just like always: Spread the word! Share your excitement on social media! Tell your friends! We're about to work on our final great delve into the dark, so let's make sure that none of our friends miss out!

And I'll be back on Tuesday with the FINAL manuscript section for Curious Cats of Mau, making the complete text available for all backers to review before the campaign ends!







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