James Bell
4 months ago

Project Update: November 2024 Update

Hello Cool Cats,

As promised last month, we've got a series of previews from one of our Stretch Goal rewards that we'll be sharing over the next several months.

Curious Cats Jumpstart Preview 2

Here’s Malcolm Maincoon von Cymric, converted to the latest edition, as part of the Curious Cats of Mau Jumpstart!

Malcolm Maincoon von Cymric

History: Malcolm’s dour demeanor and love of books have always set him apart from his siblings in House Cymric. Many consider him too stern and in desperate need of a bit of cheer. They fail to realize that Malcolm is quite happy in the company of books and artifacts.

Roleplay Tips: Despite his serious demeanor, Malcolm is friendly. He’s a bit of an overexplainer and pontificates at length on any topic if given the opportunity. He’s quick to pick up on social cues if others signal he’s talking too much, though.

Description: Malcolm is a fluffy cat with brown, black, and white fur. He wears black and green robes, from under which his fur sometimes sticks out in unkempt patches.

Drive: I am an excellent cat because I protect the unity of the monarchies.
Secret: No one knows about my fun-loving side.
Weakness: No matter what, I just can’t be succinct.

Level: 1
Experience Bonus:
Stamina Dice:
Stamina Points:
30 ft./35 ft.
Spell Points:
Agility −1, Might +1, Vitality +2, Cunning +0, Intellect +1, Presence +2
Know Arcana, Know History, Persuade, Sense Motive
Given the Voice, Immaculate Grooming, Nearby Expert, Simple Weapon Aptitude, Light Armor Aptitude
Animal Friendship, Command, Goodberry, Thaumaturgy, and Vicious Mockery
Rucksack: A magnifying glass and a set of common clothes, a mace (1d6 blunt), one set of leather robes, candles, set of formal clothing, rations, and a portable copy of the Precepts of Mau (gained under unusual circumstances).
Plastic Track: Some coins


Immaculate Grooming: Cats with this trick have a boon on Presence checks involving positive influence, like befriending someone or being polite and diplomatic.

Nearby Expert: Whenever a cat tries to learn or recall a piece of information and fails, she sometimes knows a person or a location from which to get the information. The Guide may decide the knowledge is secret or difficult to obtain. Fortune: If the player spends fortune, she can declare that a previously unknown non-player-character sage or expert is a friend or peer on good terms with the cat.

Simple Weapon Aptitude: Cats with this trick can add their experience bonus to attack and damage rolls when using any simple weapon. This includes clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings, small axes and crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches, kicks, and bites.

Light Armor Aptitude: The cat with this trick can wear light armor effectively, giving her a Defense of 11 + her Agility.

Given the Voice: Ministers use their powerful voices to direct their magic. Whether a command, homily, or dramatic monologue, their words carry power generated by their own life force. When taking this trick, the cat learns three spells they can cast at any time: Animal Friendship, Thaumaturgy, and Vicious Mockery. The minister can also choose two magnitude 1 spells from the minister spell list. All references to “spellcasting attribute” refer to Presence.


Animal Friendship
(Minister Basic)
Casting Time: 1 action; Range: 30 feet; Duration: 1 day
You can magically compel an animal to trust you. Choose an animal that can see and hear you within range. It is Charmed for the duration. If you or one of your companions harms the animal, the spell ends.

(Minister Magnitude 1)
Casting Time: 1 action; Range: 60 ft.; Duration: 1 round
You give the subject a single command, up to two words long. The target must obey the command to the best of their ability and as soon as they are able. This spell has no effect if the target is immune to being Charmed or if your command is directly harmful to them.

Common commands and their effects follow. If you use a command not listed, the Guide describes how the target behaves.

  • Come! On their turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly as possible. They may not do anything else during their turn.
  • Drop It! On their turn, the subject drops whatever they’re holding and ends their turn without picking it up.
  • Heel! The subject stands in place and may not take any move actions during their turn.
  • Lie Down! On their turn, the subject drops to the ground and remains Prone until the spellcaster’s next turn.
  • Run! On their turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible. They may not do anything else during their turn.
Test (Presence): No effect.
•             Improved: (2 spell points) You may target up to two characters with this spell.
•             Improved: (3 spell points) The spell’s duration increases by a number of rounds equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum 1). You may change which command is active on your turn as a supplemental action.

(Minister Magnitude 1)
Casting Time: 1 action; Range: Touch; Duration: Instant
You summon up to 10 magical berries in your paw. Each berry restores 1 stamina point and provides enough nourishment for one day. Eating a berry takes an action.

Berries not eaten by the end of your next nap lose their magical effect.

(Minister Basic)
Casting Time: 1 action; Range: 30 feet; Duration: Up to 1 minute
You manifest one of the following wonders within range for the duration:
  • Your voice booms up to three times louder than normal.
  • Flames flicker, brighten, dim, or change color.
  • Harmless tremors shake the ground.
  • A short, instantaneous sound originates from a point of your choice within range.
  • An unlocked door or window flies open or slams shut once.
  • You alter the appearance of your eyes.

You can have up to three of these effects active at a time and can dismiss one effect as an action.

Vicious Mockery
(Minister Basic)
Casting Time: 1 action; Range: 60 ft.; Duration: Instant
A character within range is the subject of a series of magic-infused insults. If they can hear you, they take 1d4 mental damage and have a hindrance on the next attack roll they make before the end of their next turn. They don’t need to understand you.
Test (Cunning): No effect.



If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://curious-cats-of-mau.backerkit.com/


In addition to redemption links for distibuted digital rewards, all backers have received a link to the compiled draft manuscript. This link can be found in your BackerKit digital rewards page (See the link above for Claiming Your Digital Rewards if you need a refresher). Again, this isn't a new manuscript, it's just all of the pieces we shared during the campaign put together in order.


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <September 2024 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates everymonth until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at] gmail.com
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Now Funding on Crowdfunding by BackerKit

The Alchemical Exalted are the Chosen of the Machine God, biomechanical demigods forged from divine metal and heroic souls. They do not rule the Eight Nations, but serve as Champions of the people, a sacred duty greater than any ambition. The eldest of Alchemicals transcend their human forms to become metropoli, living cities that offer the Eight Nations a stronghold against Autochthonia’s perils.

The Realm of Brass and Shadows is unforgiving, and the Eight Nations find themselves faced with many challenges: cataclysmic upheavals of Autochthon’s world-machinery, incursions of gruesome techno-organic gremlins, and the ever-present threat to their livelihoods. All the while, the slumbering Autochthon grows ever sicker, his corrupting Blight metastasizing throughout his world-body. Despair not. There is work to be done.

Alchemicals: Forged by the Machine God is an expansion for the Exalted Third Edition tabletop roleplaying game. It’s set in a mythic world where spirits walk openly among humanity, warring demigods topple kingdoms, and the restless dead roam on moonless nights. Heroes granted divine power contend against one another for the future of Creation. These are the Exalted!






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