The red-edged carriage clattered through the streets of Heart’s Blood. Rain splattered off the glass windows, and the green-furred horses rattled their heads to get the water out of their manes. Inside, two cats sat on a plush bench, dressed in fine, red-trimmed cloaks. Illiad von Korat, former diplomat to the kingdom of Pugmire, stared out at the rain and sighed.
“Aren’t you happy to be back home?” came the voice next to Illiad.
The black-furred diplomat closed his eyes, trying to remember the cat’s name. Some kind of minor noble shoved into an even more minor position of authority within Korat.
“Of course I am, cousin,” he said, refusing to turn back and look at her.
“Sophia,” she said again.
Illiad ignored her. “I haven’t been home for many years. I’ve missed it.”
“I’m sure you’re excited to be back,” she said with mock sincerity, causing Illiad to roll his eyes at his rain-streaked reflection. “It must have been so disgusting having to live among those dogs for all those years.”
The insult finally caused Illiad to turn to his companion. The intensity of her orange fur against the black cloak seemed somehow even more garish than he remembered upon first meeting her at the start of the trip. She stared at him with wide brown eyes and a huge smile that were too innocent-looking to be truly authentic.
He wasn’t sure what her game was, but he was willing to play along for a while, even if only to pass the time of a tedious trip. “’Disgusting,’ you say? And what led you to this conclusion, cousin?”
Sophia’s smile dimmed, not expecting the question. “I’m sorry?” she asked, clearly trying to buy some time.
“The word you used. ‘Disgusting.’ It is quite strong. I assume you have some reason for using it.” Illiad leaned closer to her. “Perhaps you hold some bit of unique intelligence about our friends across the forest that I somehow missed in my years of cohabitating with them as the diplomat for our beloved monarchies.” His ice-blue eyes stared into hers, challengingly. “I would very much like to know how you came to this insightful conclusion.”
“I… uh… that is… I assumed….”
“Ah,” Illiad said, leaning back. “You assumed. Well, that makes it all right, then.”
He started to turn back to the window, but Sophia’s voice stopped him. “Well, it was disgusting the way they removed you from your position and kicked you out of their city. They’re… they’re no better than beasts.”
Illiad stifled a hiss. “You do not know what you speak of, cousin,” he said, stressing his continued refusal to use her name.
“How am I wrong?” Sophia asked, indignant.
Illiad blinked. “Do you truly not know?” Sophia started to answer, but he put a finger up. “The question was rhetorical. You are obviously an idiot.”
“How dare—”
“First,” Illiad hissed, cutting her off, “I was not ‘kicked out.’ The correct term is ‘deported.’ I was asked to leave, not dragged out of the city in chains like a commoner. Second,” he continued, counting off each point on the fingers of his paw, “while the kingdom of Pugmire is naturally inferior to our beloved monarchy of Korat, they are a civilized people and you would do well to remember that.
“And third,” he said, flexing his claws just enough so that Sophia could see them, “the dogs have acted honorably toward our nation and House Korat, even after our negotiations with them broke down. They may not look upon us fondly now, but we will not disrespect them.”
Sophia’s eyes narrowed. “Honorably, you say? Regardless of what words you use, it doesn’t change the fact that you were forced out of their capital in disgrace. And what use does Korat have for a deported diplomat?” Her smile returned, but this time there were teeth in it.
Illiad sighed. “But you were the one saying I should be happy to be here, did you not? Why would there be any shame in coming back to my home monarchy and seeing my family again?”
Sophia shook her head. “Admit it, Illiad. You’ve failed.”
The ex-diplomat turned back to watch the rain. “And it is because of people like you that I have failed.”
He could hear the sigh behind him. “Still, welcome home, Illiad von Korat. May the purring of Korat bring you peace as you find your new role in this life.”
Illiad ignored her and plotted his next several moves.