I know we're all cat-focused with this campaign, but today is a bit of a dog day. That's because Curious Cats of Mau is a setting and character expansion for the greater Realms of Pugmire game line, which means the foundational rules for the game are contained within the Realms of Pugmire core rulebook.
With me so far? Good!
Now, the Realms of Pugmire core rulebook isn't out just yet. It had it's own crowdfunding campaign last year, and I expect to see the PDF out this summer. But that won't stop us from sharing the rules with the backers of this project!
So, after that long preamble, we'll get to today's topic - the Rules of the Realms, which means we've got Chapter 3 from the Realms of Pugmire manuscript available for backers to download today!
Remember, thanks to BackerKit magic, these download links are visible to Backers only - you must be logged in and reading this on the website to have access to the manuscript preview links. So, if you're reading this via e-mail, click that "Reply to/Read The Update" link on the bottom and I'll see you below the title treatment