Evan โ€” Nimble Co.
5 months ago

Project Update: ๐ŸŽ‰ Unlocked New Stretch Goals! Shadowreaver & Stormshifter preview, EU shipping.

Hey all, Evan here.

We're closing in on the final days of the campaign!

We've knocked out yet another stretch goal! Not only do we have the Oathbreaker & Spellblade subclasses, but BIG legendary monster cards, an upgraded adventure, we're working on VTT support, we've got an upgraded GM screen now too!

Next up: at 180k a martial Shadowmancer subclass the SHADOWREAVER. And would you just look at that art. ๐Ÿ”ฅ This is another story based subclass that asks the question "what happens when a Shadowmancer is cast aside by their patron?" I'm super excited about this one!

On the horizon, if we can crack 200k I'll be able to upgrade the book for everyone. Both the softcover and hardcover ones. For the softcover backers, instead of a stablebound zine-style book I'd like to upgrade to a sewn perfect-bound spine (BIG upgrade over staples). And for the hardcovers, increasing the quality overall, exploring better/fancier materials, gold/silver foil stamping, Bookmark Ribbon(s).

After that, I'm exploring options of making an easy online character builder, possibly a Beastmaster Hunter subclass, upgrading the adventure to level 5 (or even level 6), more legendary monsters & monster cards. Lots of cool options if we can get there :D

EU Friendly Shipping

No promises or hard numbers just yet! But I am looking at some fulfillment partners in the EU that can significantly bring down the prices for people in the EU and UK. Current estimates are around $10-$15 which is MUCH more reasonable than shipping from the US. Again, shipping is very much in flux, so no promises but I am looking into it. I hate shipping prices and I want to get it as low as possible for everyone!

Next Livestream

In case you've missed it, I've been doing live streams with Q&A and deeper rules previews, it's been fun! I'm going to try the next livestream later in the day so more people can join in. I'm shooting for 8pm EDT tomorrow (Tuesday). Here's the link: https://youtube.com/live/YHSKcc_f0IU

Stormshifter Preview Packet

The next class preview is also up, my take on the 5e Druid, the STORMSHIFTER. The download link is down below.

Stormshifter Preview Packet ยป

Thank you all for the fantastic support!

We've been getting some really positive battle reports from people in the Nimble discord server from people using the preview packet. If you have any questions or battle reports of your own join us on our discord server!

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