Evan — Nimble Co.
6 months ago

Project Update: Big updates. Core Rules & Heroes v1.5 released! Next Steps

Core Rules v1.5 and Heroes v1.5 are out!

BIG changes to the core rules. The entire book has been organized better and more thoughtfully. Many clarifications, and tweaks. A few minor things to add but we are getting very close to the final version. Getting close to being your last chance to weigh in on the rules.

  • Rules for Light & Darkness added.
  • Addl. cloth armor added
  • Item prices fine tuned
  • Starting hero equipment lists added
  • Shields buffed
  • Fire spells: heart’s fire and Enchant weapon swapped & retuned
  • Voidcloak, limited to the 1st attack each round
  • Utility Spells revised and improved
  • Lots of other tweaks!

Heroes v1.5

  • Berserked greatly overhauled and improved. Rage & Fury Dice changed to be a spendable class resource (It was great before, but it’s REALLY cool now!)
  • Beastmaster Hunter added (LOOKING FOR PLAYTEST FEEDBACK)
  • Shadowreaver added  (LOOKING FOR PLAYTEST FEEDBACK)
  • Most interested in playtest feedback on Zephyr, Songweaver, Stormshifter, Shepherd, Shadowmancer, & Hunter.
  • Lots of other tweaks!

Next Steps: Work on the Oathbreaker is nearly done, I will include it and the Spellblade in the next revision. Final tweaks are being made to the core rules & heroes. Then all attention will be turning to the GM guide. 

Timeline: likely next week will wrap up the Core Rules & Hero drafts. Will release a survey requesting feedback on those before buttoning them down. Following 2-3 weeks after that will be finishing up the GM guide, and playtesting the adventure. 1-2 more weeks in final layout, editing and designing the other misc things (gm screen, cards etc.). Then we’re sending it off to the printer!

As always the schedule can change, I don’t want to rush it, it’ll take as long as it takes. But every day we’re making great progress. I’m having casual fireside chats with the community on Discord pretty regularly, and having lengthy design streams on youtube as well if you’d like to follow the development and contribute.

Thanks again to all who have supported and especially those who have contributed so much great feedback!

–Evan @ nimble co.

See below for the link to the latest beta documents (it's the same link as before).

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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